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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Create a new System User

User Management

The User Management section provides you an overview of all existing accounts and their corresponding roles. New users can be created, visibility flags can be set and API tokens can be generated. Under the Active Directory tab, you have the ability to define LDAP Groups, so that all members of this group are able to login as a user with their assigned role into the Silverback Management Console.


Setting Options Description
ID e.g. 1 Displays the ID of the system user.
Username e.g. admin Display the username of the system user.
Roles e.g. Administrator Displays the specific role set for the system user.
Email e.g. Displays the corresponding email address set for the system user.
Time Zone e.g. (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Displays the configured time zone for the system user.
Edit Admin_Guide_SB_029.png Use the button to edit the corresponding user and details.
Remove Admin_Guide_SB_030.png Removes the corresponding system user.

Create New System User

From here you are able to create local users to manage the Silverback environment. 

  • Click New System User
  • Fill in the following information
Setting Options Description
Username e.g. Tim.Tober Username for the new user.
Email e.g. Valid Email address for the user.
Password e.g. Pa$$w0rd

Password for the user with the following requirements:

  • At least 12 characters
  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one lowercase letter
  • At least one special character
  • At least one number 

In addition, the password should not be related to your username or organization, and should not contain strings words (such as 123456) that are considered insecure. We recommend using a passcode generator for creating system user passwords. 

Confirm Password e.g. Pa$$w0rd Ensure the password is set correctly.
Receive Email Alerts Enabled or Disabled Enables administrative alerts for this user.
Date Format
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yyyy
Change the Date/Time format depending on the region.
Time Zone UTC-12:00 - UTC+14:00 Time Zone where user is located. It is important to ensure you correctly select the Local Time Zone, as this will adjust the date/time for all events caused by this user, ensuring that all Silverback Logs, Administrative Email Alerts, and User Actions will all display the local time for the user.
  • Administrator
  • Content Manager
  • Settings Administrator
  • Helpdesk
  • Super Helpdesk
  • Reporting
  • App Manager
  • File Sync Manager
Sets the Level of access for the user.
  • Default
  • Deutsch
  • français
  • English
Sets the default language that will be displayed when this user logs in. If Default is selected, Silverback will attempt to use the browser’s language setting.
  • Click Save

Adjust User Details

  • Click the Edit button next to any of the listed System User
Account Locked Out

Silverback will automatically lock out any Management Account if the password has been incorrectly entered a specified number of times. By Default this is set to 10. To adjust the specified number of times login as Settings Administrator. Under General you will find the Maximum Failed Login Attempts for Console Users. 

Once a user’s account has been Locked Out due to incorrect password attempts, you will find the status in the User Details view under Account Locked Out. If this checkbox is enabled, then the account is locked. To unlock the account, uncheck this checkbox and click save. 

Visibility Flags

It’s possible with Silverback to configure devices so that console users can or cannot see them. At a high level, this is achieved by assigning a Visibility Flag to a device. A Visibility Flag is simply a piece of text. Then configure system user accounts to either see, or not see these flags. 

From the Edit or New User screen, the Visibility Flags have the following top-level options:

  • None - The system user will see no devices
  • All - The system user will see all devices
  • Custom - The console user will see the Visibility Flag selected in the Edit Popup

You can either set the Visibility Flag by uploading Device IDs in the Hardware Authentication section or by opening the Device Overview and click the ... next to Device Visibility Flag and enter a Flag. Afterwards all created Flags will be visible when you click the Edit Popup button for system users. 

API Token

API Tokens can be used to integrate any third party solution with Silverback. Please refer to the API Integration Guide to get detailed information about the Silverback API.

Active Directory

Under the Active Directory tab Administrators have the ability to define LDAP Groups, so that all members of this group are able to login as an administrative user into the Management Console. Ensure to not exclude the location of your LDAP Groups from the configured Base DN inside the LDAP configuration when configuring Silverback as a Settings Administrator. 

Role Name Group Name
Administrator e.g. silverback_admins
Helpdesk e.g. silverback_helpdesk
Reporting e.g. silverback_reporters
Super Helpdesk e.g. silverback_suhelpdesk
App Manager e.g. silverback_appmanager
File Sync Manager e.g. silverback_filesync
Content Manager e.g. silverback_content
Settings Administrator e.g. silverback_setting

After adding a user to the specific Active Directory group, a new system user entry will be created during the login for each member of the group that accesses the Silverback Management Console. If administrative users will be in two or more groups, roles will win from top to bottom as ordered in this section. When a user will be removed from one group and added to a different group, the changes will be applied after the next login.