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Renew your CEP Encryption Agent Certificate


If you have configured a certificate deployment for Windows 10/11 devices, your CEP Encryption Agent certificate will most likely expire every 2 years, and failure to renew this certificate will result in failures when deploying certificates to your Windows devices. You will receive a warning in the Silverback Management Console when the expiration date is approaching and this article provides instructions on how to create and update the new certificate.


Before you Start

Before you start, it is good to review your current status and where you are in order to start with the right step. So please follow the description below and check your starting point:

  • Log onto your Silverback or Cloud Connector Server
  • Open the File Explorer and review under C:\ if there is a folder named as certificates
    • If yes, it means that you probably created the last certificate already according to the Integration Guide guide and you should have the following situation:
      • An CEP.inf file is present
      • In addition, you might have several other files names as CEP (req, rsp, cer)
      • In this case, we recommend to create a new folder and name it to the expiration year of your current certificate and move the files, except the *.inf file, into the new folder for having a backup
      • If you still have the CEP.inf file, you can skip the creation of a new file and you can proceed with Generate New CEP Encryption Certificate
    • If no, it means that you will need to start a bit earlier in the process, so perform the following steps

Create CEP Encryption Agent Setup Information File (*.inf)

  • Right Click in any empty are in this Folder
  • Click New
  • Select Text Document
  • Name it CEP.txt
  • Open the File with Notepad
  • Paste the following information into the File
Values Screenshot
Subject = "CN=SB-CEP" 
Exportable = TRUE 
KeyLength = 2048 
KeySpec = 1 
KeyUsage = 0x20 
MachineKeySet = TRUE 
ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA Schannel Cryptographic Provider" 
ProviderType = 12
CertificateTemplate = CEPEncryption
  • Click File
  • Click Save As
  • Ensure that Encoding it set to ANSI
  • Change Save as type to All Files (*.*)
  • Change the File ending from .txt to .inf 
  • Click Save
  • Navigate back to your Windows Explorer and ensure the file is saved as CEP.inf 

Generate New CEP Encryption Agent Certificate

  • Open an Administrative Command Prompt 
  • Navigate to C:\Certificates
  • Run the following commands step by step
    • certreq –f -new CEP.inf CEP.req
    • certreq –submit -config "\domain-server-CA" CEP.req CEP.cer
    • certreq –accept CEP.cer

Click OK at the User context template conflict prompt. You can ignore this warning

Change the Enterprise Root Authority Address path to your own. Open a command prompt on your Certification Authority and type certutil, press enter and take the value displayed in config.

Change Permissions 

  • Run certlm.msc
  • Expand Certificates (Local Computer)
  • Expand Personal
  • Click Certificates
  • Right Click SB-CEP Certificate
    • Select All Tasks
    • Select Manage Private Keys
    • Click Add
    • Search for Network Service
    • Click OK
    • Uncheck Full control and ensure that Read is enabled
    • Click OK

Update Certificate in Silverback

  • Open your Silverback Management Console
  • Login as an Settings Administrator
  • Navigate to Certificates
  • Locate the Windows Certificate Settings sections
  • At CEP Encryption Agent select your recently created certificate
  • Click Save
  • Confirm with OK

For all cloud customers, the certificates needs to be imported on your hosted server. Please get in touch with our technical support. 

Restart Services

  • Run PowerShell with elevated privileges
  • Run the following command:
    • restart-service w3svc,silv*,epic*