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Matrix42 CMDB Integration

This version of the FireScope to Matrix42 ESM CMDB Federation will be deprecated in October 2022 with the v4.8.0 release. Please migrate to the new Infrastructure Forensics - CI Federation extension gallery plugin for ESM.

Matrix42 CMDB Federation Connection Setup

  1. Login to the FireScope SDDM application as a Configuration Administrator or better.
  2. Click on Integration Manager In the left navigation menu, toward the bottom.
  3. Click on the CMDB Integration tab at the top of the page (should be chosen by default).
  4. Click on the Connect button on the Matrix42 CMDB Federation card.
    • If another CMDB Integration is already configured, you must first disconnect the existing integration.
      • Click the Settings button on the configured integration card.
      • Click the Connection tab at the top of the page.
      • Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
      • Return to step 4.
  5. Click the Connection tab at the top of the page (for new integration setup, should be chosen by default).
  6. Select your Connection Method from the dropdown. Supported protocols:
    • amqps:// for Secure RabbitMQ
    • sb:// for Microsoft Azure Service Bus
  7. Enter your Connection URI to the service bus, including the selected protocol, and any custom port to use, if needed.
    • For Azure Service Bus connections, this is the "sb://" portion of the connection string, without any credential parameters and trailing "/".
    • For RabbitMQ Service Bus, this is the "amqps://" portion of the connection string, without any leading credentials.
    • Credentials from the connection string will go into the Username/Password fields to be encrypted into the database, and used at runtime for the federation requests)
  8. Enter your Username for the connection.
    • For Azure Service Bus connections, this is the "SharedAccessKeyName" value
  9. Enter your Password for the connection.
    • For Azure Service Bus connections, this is the "SharedAccessKey" value
  10. Enter your Subscription / Queue name for the connection.
  11. Enter your Topic / Exchange name for the connection.
  12. Toggle On the Connect & Fetch control to setup default federation options.
  13. Click the Save button, and be redirected back to the Integration Manager page
    • Await the Matrix42 Integration Card update with “Fetching Remote Types...Done” to indicate default setup is complete.

Matrix42 CMDB Outbound Configuration Item Federation

  1. Login to the FireScope SDDM application as a Configuration Administrator or better.
  2. Click on Integration Manager In the left navigation menu, toward the bottom.
  3. Click on the CMDB Integration tab at the top of the page (this should be chosen by default).
  4. Click on the Settings button on the Matrix42 CMDB Federation card.
  5. Click on Outbound to Matrix42 tab at the top of the page.
  6. Use the available panels to perform the proper actions. If at any time the only available action is a button to refresh the remote types, continue to click the button, and return to the “Outbound to Matrix42” tab.
    • Configuration Item Selection: Select the Logical Groups of Configuration Items, or individual Configuration Items, to federate out to the Matrix42 CMDB.
    • Remote Type Assignments: Add or change the criteria that looks at local FireScope data to assign Configuration Items to a specific remote Matrix42 type.
    • Configuration Item Field Mappings: Choose a Remote Assignment Type to edit the field mapping of local FireScope data to the available Remote Type’s fields.
    • Preview & Send Outbound Job: Preview what the job will federate to Matrix42 and verify that everything that will be transmitted is as expected. Then export the Configuration Items to the Matrix42 CMDB.
    • View Federated Objects: View & manage a list of all currently federated objects in the FireScope application.
    • View Federation Logs: See which actions were taken against a given federated object.
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