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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Rest API – Attributes

The REST API allows you to Retrieve, Search, Create, Update and  Delete Attributes in FireScope SDDM.


The REST API allows you to work with Attributes in FireScope SDDM.

  • Retrieve
  • Search
  • Create or Update
  • Delete


To retrieve the current information about an Attribute as a JSON document, send a GET request with the following URL format:


Note: Don’t forget to change the (localhost) and query parameter values (account, edge_device, ci, and name) to match your environment and data.

Query Parameter Descriptions

Property  Description Type Required
account Name of the SDDM Account. String Yes
edge_device Name of the Edge Device. String Yes
ci Name of the CI. String Yes
name Name of the Attribute. String Yes

Searching provides for the ability to return multiple results in a single call using various filter criteria. To accomplish this, a GET request is sent with a parameter search=true. Every other field besides account is optional and is used to further filter the results. Pagination is mandatory and accomplished using the page and size parameters. The JSON response will wrap the result list and also display the page and the size. The size in the response represents the number of results actually returned, not the size in the request. The response does not contain a count of the total number of pages or the total number of records for performance reasons. The client is expected to keep querying, increasing the page each time, until the result size is less than the requested size, indicating no more results.


Note: Don’t forget to change the (localhost) and query parameter values (account, edge_device, ci, and name) to match your environment and data.

Search Parameter Descriptions

Parameter Description Type Default Required
account Name of the SDDM Account. String   Yes
search Enable searching by setting to true. Setting to false will revert functionality to retrieving a single result. Boolean FALSE Yes
page Indicates which result set is being returned starting at zero and increasing until there are no more results Number 0 Yes
size Indicates how many results are returned in a single page. A max of 250 results is supported. Number 100 Yes
name Filter the results by a case-insensitive substring search of the name field. String   No
edge_device Filter the results by an Edge Device’s exact name. String   No
ci Filter the results by a Configuration Item’s exact name. String   No

Example Search Results Response

   "account_id": "firescope",
   "entity": "attribute",
   "page": 0,
   "size": 2,
   "results": [
         "account_id": "firescope",
         "edge_device_id": "edge2",
         "description": "Host ping",
         "ciid": "",
         "operation": "ping"
         "account_id": "firescope",
         "edge_device_id": "edge1",
         "description": "Host ping",
         "ciid": "",
         "operation": "ping"

Create or Update

To create an Attribute, send a POST operation with a JSON document to the following URL:

http://[SDDM IP address]:38050/web_services/attribute

Note: Don’t forget to change the (SDDM IP address

Use the following example as a guide.

   "edge_device_id":"Edge 1",
   "ciid":"REST Created 1",
   "description":"test PING 1",
   "metadata":"STATUS,,,PING,53177150e4b011a3f27f25d2,test PING 1",
   "attributeset":["Ping attributes"]

Property Descriptions

Property Description Type Default
account_id Name of the SDDM Account. String   Yes
edge_device_id Name of the Edge Device. String   Yes
asset_name A name used to group related attributes together that belong to the same asset. String   No
ciid Name of the associated CI. String   Yes
delay How often (in seconds) SDDM should check values. Number 60 Yes
delta Option to either collect the raw value or its rate of change over time.

Possible values:0 = As Is1 = Speed per Second2 = Simple Change
Number 0 Yes
description Attribute description, which will be listed on the Attributes page. String   Yes
formula The actual multiplier value you want to use. E.g. 1024 to convert bytes to kilobytes. String 1 No
lastvalue The attribute’s last reported value. Read-only. String   No
logtimefmt   String   No
metadata Options for using metadata, in the following format: [Type],[SubType],[Vendor],[Detail],[Index],[Label] String   No
multiplier Controls whether to use a multiplier or not. See the formula field for the actual multiplier value.
Possible values:
0 = Do Not Use
1 = Use
Number 0 No
operation Operation used for gathering data. You must enter an Operation corresponds to the Type.
If you are using FireScope Agent, make sure the Operation you use is defined in the FireScope Agent’s configuration. For SNMP, you must enter the credentials required to access the SNMP connection (port 161) of the device.
String   Yes
prevvalue The attribute’s previous value that occurred before the value in the ‘lastvalue’ field. Read-only. String   No
snmp_oid Object Identifier (OID) required to access the SNMP connection and gather data for this Attribute. String   No
snmp_port Port for the SNMP connection. Number 161 No
status Whether the attribute is active or not.
Possible values:
0 = Active
1 = Disabled
Number 0 Yes
translationid Name of the translation being used String   No
trapper_hosts   String   No
type The type of the attribute, which help denotes the source of the attribute.Possible Values:
0 = FireScope
1 = SNMP V1
2 = Trapper
3 = Simple
4 = SNMP V2
5 = Internal
6 = SNMP V3
7 = FireScope Active
8 = Grouped Attribute
10 = External
11 = FireScope WMI
12 = Syslog
14 = ESB FTP
18 = ESB File
20 = ESB Multicast
21 = ESB POP3
23 = ESB TCP
24 = ESB UDP
25 = VM Host
26 = VM Guest
27 = VM VC
28 = LDAP Check
29 = Calculated Attribute
31 = Percentile Attribute
32 = Delegate Syslog
33 = Delegate SNMP V1
34 = Delegate SNMP Trap
35 = Delegate SNMP V2
36 = Delegate SNMP V3
37 = Service Availability
38 = NetApp
39 = Cisco UCS
40 = App Server Stat
41 = SMongo Server Stat
42 = SWeb Server Stat
43 = NetApp DFM
44 = Attribute Incoming
45 = Attribute Incoming JSON
46 = Infoblox
47 = Days to target
48 = Amazon AWS
49 = Edge Server stat
50 = SMIS
Number 0 Yes
units Unit type appended to the end of all values for this Attribute whenever they are displayed. For example, % for processor utilization, B (bytes) for file system size, and Bps (bytes per second) for network performance. String   No
value_type Value TypeDescription0 Float Double e.g. 3.141 String Character (max size 1024) e.g. “Hello world”2 Log Actual lines from a log attribute / Windows Event log attribute (Max size 65535)3Long Integer e.g. 21474836474Text Very large “String” equivalent of a CLOB (Max size 65535)9JSON  (Max size 4096)e.g. {“first_name”:”Bryan”,”company_name”:”FireScope”}  Number 0 Yes
fs_attribute_type Attribute type information:
ValueRequiredattribute_major String80Noattribute_max String1Noattribute_warning String60NoavailClassifies whether this attribute impacts the availability of this CI.Number0YeskpiEnable some summary views of CIs to display the attributes labeled as a Key Performance IndicatorNumber0Yesdef_graph Show/hide possible values StringnoneYesperfClassifies whether this attribute impacts the performance of this CI.Number1YessecClassifies whether this attribute impacts the security of this CI.Number0Yes
Object   Yes
attributeset Names of the Attribute Set(s) this Attribute is associated with. String[]   No


To delete an Attribute, send an HTTP DELETE request with the same query parameters as the GET request.
See the Retrieve for the URL format and query parameter descriptions.

Note: Deleting an Attribute will have a cascading delete effect. All elements that are based on this Attribute will be effected (for e.g.  Dashboards, AEDs, ED, Policies etc. Data collected by this Attribute will be lost for good.)

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