Cloud Migration Risk Analysis
The Risk Analysis algorithm calculates the Cloud Candidate Score. The Cloud Candidate Score represents the risk involved in migrating each business service. This helps you decide which business services are better candidates (i.e. less risky) to migrate to the Cloud without disrupting the clients and the business. The higher the score the less risky it is to migrate the service to the cloud.
The score considers the number of servers, clients and affected services in the business service. Affected services count for more than the number of clients or servers.
Risk Analysis
Select Explore > Cloud Migration > Risk Analysis and the Cloud Migration Risk Analysis Page will be displayed

If you want to view more details or make changes to any of the Business Services you can click on the three dots to the upper right of each card and it will display options for you to select for a particular service as shown below.

You can create a new Business Service by clicking the plus (+) button at the top right of the page.