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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Dealing with a discontinued LIS template for a software product


The License Intelligence Service (LIS) provides predefined software templates. After updating the LIS data in your system, software  products are created automatically for new templates so that all known software products are available to be used for license compliance management. 

While ten-thousands of software products are constantly managed by the LIS team , it may happen that consolidations are necessary to remove inadvertently created duplicates. After this consolidation, the software products based on such duplicate and obsolete templates remain in your system to protect any changes you have made, e.g. added attachments or other settings. 


In case that you are using a software product with a discontinued template, you should switch to the corresponding software product where a template is continued. 

For this purpose follow these steps:

  1. In navigation, select 'All' under Software Compliance
  2. Search for the name of the corresponding product
    You should find both, the continued one and the (currently used) discontinued one.
  3. Select the continued one and adjust all settings as required for your needs. 
  4. Select the discontinued one and delete it.
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