Forwarding an incident
Forwarding a ticket means passing it on to a specific role for processing. The members of this role are notified by email about it.
- Go to Matrix42 Software Asset and Service Management > Service Desk application.
- In the navigation area, click Incidents.
- If the required configuration item is not in the selection list, enter a search term into the Search Text field and press <Enter>.
- In the selection list, click an incident. Preview opens.
- In the action pane, click Forward.
- Select a role or a person to which you want to forward the incident.
- Enter a reason for forwarding. Click FORWARD. The incident is forwarded to the role, and the members of this role are notified by email about it.
if the checkbox "Show All Roles and Users" is not set, pre-filtering takes place by a person or role, assigned to the person or role.