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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Resolving incidents and service requests


When an incident or service request is resolved, the end user is granted a timeframe for the acceptance. During this period of time, the end user can provide their feedback about the incident/service request resolution via email. After this timeframe is over, the incident or service request will be closed automatically with the possibility of reopening it in Self Service Portal.

Defining the response timeframe for a resolved incident/service request

In the Service Desk application, go to the Settings navigation item. Open the settings for editing and set the timeframe:

  1. In the Ticket Settings section, select the Close resolved ticket when no user feedback is provided checkbox.
  2. Then specify the number of days in the Maximum waiting time for user response on resolved tickets (days) field.
  3. Save your changes.

As a result, after an incident/service request is resolved, an end user will have the specified number of days to check if the solution meets their expectations and to provide feedback if it is not the case. When this period elapses and no feedback has been given, an incident/service request will be closed automatically.

Resolving an incident/service request

Go to the Incidents/Service Requests navigation item in the Service Desk application. Select the ticket you want to resolve and run the Close action for it:

  1. On the first page of the wizard, you need to provide the solution and you can add attachments for the ticket.
  2. Click Specify Details to go to the next page.
  3. On the second page of the wizard, choose Resolved in the Reason drop-down field.
  4. Specify the error type in the corresponding drop-down field.
  5. In the Affected Configuration Items section, you can add relevant related objects.
  6. If necessary adjust the data under Further Activities:
    • The selected Inform users about the resolving of the Ticket checkbox signifies that an email will be sent to the specified end user.
    • The selected Resolve related Tickets when resolving this one checkbox means that the related tickets will also be assigned the Resolved status.
    • Use the Inform further users about the closing of the ticket lookup field to add other users that need to be notified by email that the incident has been resolved.
    • Select the Create KB Article checkbox if you want to create a knowledge base article that describes the solution of the incident.
  7. Click Resolve to finish the wizard.

This incident and its related incidents will be assigned the Resolved status. This status will be assigned for the period of time specified in the settings. During this timeframe, the end user can provide their feedback via replying to an email sent out when the incident was being resolved. After receiving such a reply, the ticket status will be set to  On Hold.

Comments at the journal will not trigger a change of status.

If no feedback has been received during the specified timeframe, the incident will be closed automatically. 

A user can reopen the closed incident/service request in Self Service Portal within the period of time set in the Days allowed to reopen closed ticket field in Service Desk > Settings.

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