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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Marketplace discontinued Add-ons


    Here is a list of discontinued Add-ons in the Marketplace:

    Vendor name Add-on name SKU Deactivation date Comments
    Labtagon Message Center SMPL0233VU 5.03.2025 Discontinued by the vendor: replaced by Message Center Standard SMPL0315VU
    Cubefinity Mobile Asset and Inventory App SMPL0199VI 20.02.2025 Discontinued by the vendor, replaced by ESM2Go for Matrix42
    Cubefinity Smart Service Provisioning SMPL0196VI 12.12.2024 Discontinued by the vendor
    Cubefinity Copy to Clipboard SMPL0246VI 31.01.2024 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Ticket Translator SMPL0058OI 31.01.2024 Discontinued by vendor. Alternative available: SMPL0283VI
    neo42 neo Paketdepot (S) für MS SCCM  SMPL0120VI 26.01.2024 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 CleanDatabase SMPL0010OI 26.01.2024 Discontinued by the vendor
    Labtagon Bar-& QR-Code Scanner Control SMPL0105VI 23.12.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Labtagon Kanban Board SMPL0166VU  15.11.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Makro Factory Breeze - Module for MakroAccess42 - Sign-up Fee AMPL0109VI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Makro Factory Breeze - Module for MakroAccess42 - Subscription SMPL0109VI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Makro Factory Breeze - Sign-up Fee AMPL0104VI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Makro Factory Breeze - Subscription SMPL0104VI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Makro Factory MakroAccess42 - Sign-up Fee AMPL0108VI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Makro Factory MakroAccess42 - Subscription SMPL0108VI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Makro Factory Ticket Partner - Subscription SMPL0110VI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 SAP Solution Manager Connector - Sign-up Fee AMPL0046OI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 SAP Solution Manager Connector - Subscription SMPL0046OI 15.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft M365 Audio Conferencing - Subscription SMPL0167VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft M365 Domestic Calling and International Calling Plan - Subscription SMPL0185VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft M365 Domestic Calling Plan - Subscription SMPL0183VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft M365 Domestic Calling Plan (120 min) - Subscription SMPL0184VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft M365 Phone System - Subscription SMPL0182VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft Office 365 Business Essentials - Subscription SMPL0111VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium - Subscription SMPL0115VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise E1 - Subscription SMPL0112VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise E3 - Subscription SMPL0013VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise E5 - Subscription SMPL0114VU 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Hillside IT Consulting Disaster Recovery Plan SMPL0256VI 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Hillside IT Consulting Internal Control System SMPL0257VI 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Hillside IT Consulting Reply To Journal Entry SMPL0253VI 13.09.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Cubefinity  Empirum Data Insights with Power BI SMPL0272VI 11.08.2023 Discontinued by the vendor
    Busse4IT GmbH ARM/8MAN Connector AMPL0083VU, SMPL0083VU 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Workflow Studio Activity Cloud SMPL0061OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Start Approval Workflow SMPL0055OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Start Provisioning Workflow SMPL0056OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 PerformanceGuard Events Integration SMPL0040OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 SCOM-MP for Enterprise Manager for SCCM SMPL0077OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Service Desk Webservice SMPL0059OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Asset Manager Webservice SMPL0002OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Assistance Function  SMPL0003OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Copy Service Wizard SMPL0013OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Intune Connector SMPL0189OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Intune Connector Suite Component SMPL0016OI 30.06.2022 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Advanced Search SMPL0001OI 30.11.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Bound Wizard Framework SMPL0005OI 30.11.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Calculate Ticket SLA SMPL0007OI 30.11.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Connect Activity with Custom Form SMPL0012OI 30.11.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Object Template SMPL0037OI 30.11.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 GarbageCollector SMPL0026OI 30.11.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Ivanti DSM (HEAT) Connector SMPL0028OI 30.09.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 LANDESK Inventory Connector AMPL0030OI  SMPL0030OI 30.09.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Mobile Approval App SMPL0033OI 30.09.2021 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Package Cloud for SCCM HPCA001_ED 31.12.2020 Discontinued by the vendor
    Matrix42 Package Cloud (old metrics) SPCA000_E, SPCA000_1, HPCA000_ED, HPCACH000D, HPCACH000I 31.12.2020 Discontinued by the vendor


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