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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Extended Copy

Extended Copy allows an administrator to define actions that can copy any object to new objects conforming to a pre-defined template.. This extension runs as a Matrix42 Workspace Management internal action.


This Add-On is provided via Matrix42 Extension Gallery. It can be added as an extension via it's product page.

For a detailed instruction on how to install Add-Ons from the Extension Gallery see Installing an Extension.

Included components:

  • Web service: ExtendedCopy (Administration → Integration → Web services)
  • Action: Extended Copy (Administration → User Interface → Actions)

What are the benefits of this feature?

  • Creating objects with meaningful attribute values
  • Rapid creation of data that satisfy integrity criteria
  • One implementation for numerous copying definitions

Not every object is 100% copyable, because there can be to -1 relations which disallow to copy them.

When to use this feature?

This feature can be easily implemented in own created actions and allows to copy every single data object and it's appendies. It can be freely specified which attributes are to be copied and whether prefixes are to be used.

License Key (Certificate) 

An activation key is required:

  • M42CDEVActionExtendedCopy
  • M42CDEV6ActionExtendedCopy
  • M42CDEVActionExtendedCopyEval30
  • M42CDEV6ActionExtendedCopyEval30

It's possible that this license is already installed. If not, copy the license file into the Certificates folder (.../Matrix42 Workplace Management/Certificates).


For the availability of the new functionality no further configuration is necessary.

After you installed the package successfully and activated via the license key the service store can be started and this action can be used.
You can check the existence of the action in the Administration app under User Interface → Actions.

It’s name is "Extended Copy" and runs the wizard "Extended Copy". 


Copy Settings

More specific settings can be made under the tab "Extended Copy Settings" (Version 11.0.2+):

Show name prefix: The prefix "Copy for"  is added to the name of the copied entity. If this feature is enabled you can also see it in the wizard.



Copy attachments: Make copying attachments the default. The copy wizard also allows to choose for every copy action.

Open Created Copy: The detailed view opens automatically for further editing.

Pick a value: Select the system types by their technical names (e.g. SPSActivityClassBaseIncident for incident) to customise the values to be copied. By default, everything is copied.

Choose a file to load: Select a template file to load predefined type configurations. Overwrites the current configuration.

Download Template File: Download your type configurations.



Configuring of a new Action

Creation of a new action can be done in the same Object Search tab under Administration User InterfaceActions by clicking on the “+ Add Action” button. Next, the object dialog will appear.
Set up the action for your purpose. Set up an action name, an action title, an object context (single object, multiple objects), choose between different type filters (selected CI on
which action will apply) etc. should be provided. You should be familiar with the configuration of actions.

To use the functionality of the Extended Copy search for copy and choose the Wizard "Extended Copy".


To restrict the use of the action, you should also select the configuration items for the action.




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