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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

How to customize the EM Agent UI

Applies for EMv7

Starting with version 7 it is possible to customize the Enterprise Manager Agent. The following steps explain how to supply a customized EM Agent.

During installation of the EM version 7 an addition folder "Customizing" is created in the EM installation directory (default: C:\Program Files\Matrix42\Matrix42 Enterprise Manager); it contains the "Agent" folder, which is structured as follows:


This folder contains the "Default.json" configuration file, the predefined logo, background image and Tray Icon. 

SVG files are vector graphics where images are saved in high resolution and clearly, but with a very small size. Image files in the common .jpg or .bmp are also detected.

Custom logos, background images and Tray Icons must be copied into the Agent folder of the EM server to ensure that they are detected by the Distribution Point and the Agent configuration. The "Default.json" configuration file looks as follow:


All sections of the file can be customized, including the following:


- Title: Title of the whole EM Agent window

- TitelShort: Title when shrinking the EM Agent window

- HomeHeader: Title of the header in the "Home" section of the Agent

- TaskHeader: Title in the header of the "Task" section of the Agent


- WindowHeader: Background color of the title section of the EM Agent window

- WindowHeaderText: Font color of the title text

- Highlight: Color of highlighted text and icons

- NaviMarker: Color of the navigation pane where you are currently navigating

- NaviBackground: Color of the complete navigation pane


- (Logo) File name: This file contains the logo to be displayed in the upper right corner of the Agent ("Logo.svg").

- (Logo) Width: Logo size ("70px")

- (Logo) Height: Logo height

- (Background image) File name: Here is the background image deposited ("EmBackground.svg")

- (TrayIcon) File name: Here the Tray Icon is deposited, which is displayed in the lower right corner of the toolbar ("Em.ico")

- (TrayIcondnd) File name: Here, the tray icon is deposited in the "do not disturb" mode, which is displayed at the bottom right of the toolbar ("EmGreen.ico")

The following screenshot illustrates the respective sections.



As soon as the "Default.json" file has been modified, this and any additional images are automatically synchronized to the distribution point after 3 hours. If the change is to be taken over immediately, a restart of the service "EmServer" is necessary!

All changes to this file are entered in the EM Server Log and when transferred in the EM DP Log

Once the data has been successfully synchronized to the distribution point, it will automatically be checked on the client every 24 hours and replaced if necessary. However, it is possible to manually update this setting by order. This is done via the known option of the "remotecontrol" function. Here is another point (see screenshot).

Then a check is performed on the local clients to determine whether a change has been made and it is performed accordingly by creating or exchanging the "Customizing.json" file under C:/ProgramData/Matrix42/Enterprise Manager Agent/Settings.

The user can modify the local 'Customizing' file if he has administrative privileges, but the Distribution Point copies the data back to the client and updates them after 24 hours at the latest!

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