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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Extent of license model change with downgrades

 The automatic change of license model with downgrades can bring about significant changes. Therefore, there are certain rules that define the extent to which the automatic change of license model is applied. These rules are relevant for all cases of the license model change with downgrades.

To set up the automatic change of license model, refer to Automatic change of license model with downgrades.

  1. For the automatic change of license model, a license requirement must be in status License Required.
  2. As a result of the license model change, the entitled license requirement might be licensed partially.
  3. After the change of license model, only consumer consolidation is allowed for the license requirement.
  4. This feature includes only the possibility of changing the type of model assignment from "per device" to "per user".
  5. New license requirement with the possibility of license model change can be consolidated with the already existing license requirement only if the downgradeable license has free usage rights.
  6. If entitlement with the direct license is possible for a license requirement with a changed license model, the license model change is reverted.
  7. If the change of license model results in consumer consolidation, the resulting eligible license requirement can be entitled only with the license that triggered the license model change.
  8. If a direct license appears for the resulting eligible license requirement and this license requirement has other foundations apart from consumer consolidation, this license requirement will be licensed with its direct license and license model for the downgrade license requirement will be reverted.
  9. If a direct license appears for a license requirement that is a result of consumer consolidation after the license model change, this license requirement will not be licensed with its direct license.
  10. Change of license model for a new license requirement will not happen if the potential resulting license requirement with the "per user" model already exists and is licensed with a direct "per user" license.
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