A task is an instrument that is used in the division for coordination of team work and delegation of work. It can also be used for your own re-submissions. Tasks can also be sub-elements of incidents, problems, or changes. As a result, several people can easily work on complicated tasks.
- Ownership: Specify ownership data, Organizational Unit, Location, and Cost Center.
- Task Template: Use task templates to save time on task creation. In task templates, fields for frequently used tasks are already filled with entries that can be used for the assigned task. To create a task template, go to the toolbar of the task template selection window, and then click +New.
- Summary: Brief description of the task.
- Category: Category of the task that will help you to organize your tasks.
- Service Level Agreement: Link the Service Level Agreement. The predefined reaction and solution times depend on this. The selection list is filtered automatically so that you can select only those Service Level Agreements that result from the combination of entries in the User and Priority fields.
- Tightest SLA available APPLY: Automatically select the Service Level Agreement/Operation Level Agreement or the Underpinning Contract with the most critical solution times that corresponds to the combination of the entries in the User and Priority fields.
- Priority: Priority to rank the urgency of the task.
- Resubmission: Date when the responsible person or role receives an email reminder about the task. The email contains a link to the task.
- User: Person (initiator or person concerned) for whom this task is created.
- Type Of Task: Five types of tasks are available: Analysis, Implementation, Test, Release, and Review.
- Description: Detailed description of the task.
- Journal/Activities: In the journal, all actions that were made for the task will be automatically recorded. This also includes mails that were received for this task or sent out of the task. Each journal entry can be marked as Visible in Portal for the reporter (user) and related users of the incident (see also Changing Visibility of Journal Entries). Journal entries for mails/comments from the user and mails to the user are checked by default. Under My Activities, you can enter your own activities for the task. Click Add to record the activity in the journal. Until the incident is not in the New or Closed status, opening of the task points directly to this tabulator.
- Solution: Description of the solution that was entered when the task was closed. When the task gets the Closed status, opening of the task points directly to this tabulator. The solution cannot be directly edited.
- Inform responsible roles or users via e-mail: Select this option if you want the responsible roles or users to be informed by email about this task.
Time Tracking
List of all jobs that were recorded for this task. The dialog page allows you to track the time you have spent on working with the ticket.
For this change request, copies of digital documents can be saved and later reopened.
On the Users dialog page, you can view and change Employees that are related to the task. If the state changes, these employees can receive email notifications.
On the Topics dialog page, you can view and change incidents, problems, changes, external contracts, materials, etc. that are related to the task.
In the action pane, you can access the actions that are available for tasks.
- Accept: Enter the person who is responsible for the task.
- Return to Role: Delete the specifications of the respective person who is responsible for the task. The status is set to Assigned. If the status was previously On Hold, then it is not changed.
- Forward: Assign the task to another person by using a wizard.
- Edit: Set the status of the task to In Progress.
If you select only one task on a search page and click Edit, the selected task will be opened directly for further handling, after the status is set to In Progress.
- Pause: Set the status of the task to Paused by using a wizard. The reminder date is calculated automatically based on the value in the Default span for pausing tickets (days) field of the global system settings. If the task status does not change by the set date, a reminder email is automatically sent to the person who is responsible for the task. The reason and the description are saved in the journal.
- Close: Mark the task as solved and thus set the status to Closed by using a wizard.
- Reopen: Reset the status from Closed to New.
- Track Working Time: Start tracking the working time that was spent on this task.
If the Enable automatic time tracking checkbox is selected under Service Desk > Global System Settings > Functionality Settings, the Track Working Time wizard opens automatically after you close the task. The start and end of the processing time are entered automatically. You can edit this data later. When you close several tasks, the spent time will be proportionally shared among the tickets.
- Send E-mail: Send an email with the ID and the task summary in the subject line by using a wizard.
- Search Tasks: Open a search page to search for similar tasks and attach the search results to the task, if necessary.
- Set Recurrence: Specify whether this task should be executed regularly and define a schedule for such recurring tasks.