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Service Desk Dashboard


Service Desk Dashboard is a powerful tool that provides a comprehensive overview of key metrics and performance indicators related to support and service management. 

Service Desk Dashboards2.png

The New Service Desk Dashboard has extended the standard tracked metrics and introduced a set of new ones.

Each metric is displayed in a widget, which can be moved, resized, added, deleted, or configured. New widgets can be added or copied from existing ones and then shared with all users in the system or a group of users.

New Dashboards are available starting from DWP v.12.1.0.

The Service Desk Dashboard is split into different areas described below.


The Service Desk dashboard opens with a new area representing my activities distributed by status:

Service Desk Home.png

My activities include incidents, service requests, tasks, and tickets, in which the current user is involved.

The new area is visually distinct and uses the counters to provide an overview of the number of my activities that are currently in the following processing stage:

  • My Open Activities: this metric shows how many activities from the Backlog Items are currently Open or Assigned to Me.
  • My Critical Activities:  shows how many activities from the Backlog Items are currently Open or Assigned to Me and have High Priority.
  • My Overdue Activities: shows how many activities from the Backlog Items are currently Open or Assigned to Me and are overdue, based on the activity Solution Point.
  • My Activities Due Today: shows how many activities from the Backlog Items are currently Open or Assigned to Me and are due today, based on the activity Solution Point expected today.
  • On hold (hidden by default): my activities that are on status On Hold.
  • Critical Unassigned (hidden by default): open activities with the High Priority where Responsible is not yet set.

Each widget shows the count of activities that fall under the filtered criteria and allows you to drill down into details like Ticket ID, Summary, Priority, Status, User, Responsible, Responsible Role, Created date, Process Until, Queue, Category, Activity type, OLA Reaction Point, OLA Reaction Time Escalated, and OLA Solution Time Escalated. Click on the widget for more details, for instance, My Overdue Activities

Service Desk My overdue activities.png

Additionally, the following areas were added for convenience:

My Work

This area focuses on providing clear visibility of the workload for individual employees. It helps balance different types of activities like Tickets, Incident, Service Request, and Tasks and enables employees to manage their workload efficiently, identify critical tasks, and meet deadlines:

Service Desk my work1.png

The counters on top of the page provide an overview of the number of the activities assigned to me and their current processing stage:

  • My Open Activities: shows the total number of my uncompleted activities. Includes all activities on any status except "Closed" assigned to the employee.
  • My Activities Due Today: displays the total number of my activities due on the current day by checking the Solution Point property that is expected today. This metric makes it easier to prioritize and focus on meeting deadlines. 
  • On Hold: displays the total number of my activities that are currently paused and may need follow-up or are awaiting external input. Includes all activities on status "On Hold"
  • My Overdue Activities: displays the total number of my activities that are past their due date. This metric helps employees to define bottlenecks and prioritize these tasks to prevent further delays or escalations.
  • Resolved this Month: displays the number of activities the employee has resolved within the current month. This metric takes into account activities on status "Closed".
  • My Critical Activities: displays the number of business-critical activities that require immediate attention.  This metric takes into account all open activities of the current employee with high priority.

Activity Type is a dynamic filter that allows you to choose which activity types to show on the Dashboard. Choose from the suggested activity types:

  • Ticket
  • Incident
  • Service Request
  • Task

By default, My Work Dashboard displays aggregated data including all 4 types of activities. Uncheck the necessary checkboxes to see only the type of activities you are interested in. The metrics and charts are adjusted automatically, for instance, showing only my Incidents might look as follows:

Service Desk my work incidents1.png

The following data is visualized and represented in charts:

  • My Open Activities by Type: breaks down the employee's open activities by type, including Tickets, Incident, Service Request, and Tasks.
  • My Open Activities by Status: displays open activities segmented by their current status (e.g., New, Assigned, In Progress, On Hold, Resolved). This helps the employee understand the stage of each task.
  • My Open Activities by Priority: categorizes all open activities based on priority levels (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
  • My Open Activities by Category: provides a breakdown of open activities based on categories. Similar to the previous My Open Activities by Priority chart, additionally splits the activities by their type (Tickets, Incident, Service Request, and Tasks)
  • My Time Reported during last 7 days: displays the total time in minutes logged by the employee on activities over the past week. Additionally visualizes the tracked time by the tracked Activity Type (e.g. Investigation, Recording, Administration, Assignment, Resolution, or Other). See also, Tracking working time.

Click on any widget, chart, or chart data to see the list of activities and their details. 

Team Work

The Team Work page is a dashboard designed to give an overview of the current workload and activity distribution within the Service Desk team. This dashboard helps managers and agents monitor open tasks, identify bottlenecks, and track team performance across various metrics. The charts and metrics provide insights into activity status, priorities, and assignment trends. This Dashboard has similar metrics similar to My Work Dashboard , but for the entire team.  

Service Desk Team Work pt1.png

The counters on top of the page provide an overview of the number of the activities (Tickets, Incident, Service Request, and Tasks) and their current processing stage:

  • Overdue Activities: displays the total number of activities that are past their due date. This metric helps employees to define bottlenecks and prioritize these tasks to prevent further delays or escalations.
  • Open Activities: shows the total number of uncompleted activities. Includes all activities on any status except "Closed".
  • Activities Due Today: displays the total number of activities due on the current day by checking the Solution Point property that is expected today. This metric makes it easier to prioritize and focus on meeting deadlines. 
  • Unassigned Activities: shows the total number of uncompleted activities that are currently not assigned to any agent.
  • Resolved this Month: shows the number of activities that have been resolved by the team during the current month. This metric takes into account activities on status "Closed".
  • Reported this Month: tracks the number of activities that have been created so far this month.
  • Critical Activities (hidden by default): displays the number of business-critical activities that require immediate attention.  This metric takes into account all open activities with high priority.
  • Activities On Hold (hidden by default): displays the total number of activities that are currently paused and may need follow-up or are awaiting external input. Includes all activities on status "On Hold"


Activity Type is a dynamic filter that allows you to choose which activity types to show on the Dashboard. Choose from the suggested activity types:

  • Ticket
  • Incident
  • Service Request
  • Task

By default, the Team Work Dashboard displays aggregated data including all 4 types of activities. Uncheck the necessary checkboxes to see only the type of activities you are interested in. The metrics and charts are adjusted automatically, for instance, showing only Incidents might look as follows:

Service Desk Team Work Activity Type.png

The following data is visualized and represented in charts:

  • Open Activities by Type: a pie chart breaks down the open activities by type, including Tickets, Incident, Service Request, and Tasks.
  • Open Activities by Priority: categorizes all open activities based on priority levels (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
  • Open Activities by Status: displays open activities segmented by their current status (e.g., New, Assigned, In Progress, On Hold, Resolved). 
  • Agents with Most Open Activities: the Responsibles who are currently handling the most unresolved activities, helping to track workload distribution among team members.
  • Employees with Most Open Activities: highlights the employees who have the highest number of unresolved activities assigned.
  • Roles with Most Open Activities: Shows which Responsible Roles (e.g., Incident Manager, Ticket Manager, etc.) have the most open activities assigned to them.
  • Open Activities by Category: provides a breakdown of open activities based on categories. Additionally highlights the activities by their priority.

Service Desk Dashboards2.png

Click on any widget, chart, or chart data to see the list of activities and their details. 


Escalation Overview

This page is designed to provide a clear visual and analytical representation of critical activities that are either close to escalation or have already escalated. It enables quick assessment of high-priority issues and how they are being handled in relation to defined Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Operational Level Agreements (OLA):

Service Desk Escalations Overview1.png

The metrics and charts on this page are:

  • Critical Activities Close to Escalation: activities that are approaching their escalation thresholds. These are activities that require urgent attention to avoid service breaches.
  • Most Critical Escalated Activities: this chart highlights the most critical activities that have already been escalated. These are often the highest-priority activities that need immediate resolution.
  • SLA With Critical Reaction Time Fulfillment: measures how well the Service Desk is meeting the SLA for initial reactions to critical issues. The faster the reaction, the better the fulfillment.
  • SLA With Critical First Shot Fulfillment: tracks the fulfillment of the SLA in terms of resolving critical issues on the first attempt (also known as First Contact Resolution).
  • SLA With Critical Solution Time Fulfillment:  allows monitoring how well the team is meeting the SLA for total solution time on critical issues, from detection to full resolution.
  • OLA With Critical Reaction Time Fulfillment: tracks how well internal teams are meeting the OLA for the initial reaction to critical issues. This is similar to the SLA metric but focuses on internal performance.
  • OLA With Critical First Shot Fulfillment: measures internal performance in resolving critical issues on the first attempt within the agreed OLA terms.
  • OLA With Critical Solution Time Fulfillment: allows monitoring whether internal teams are resolving critical issues within the solution time defined by the OLA.

Operational Efficiency

All KPIs on this dashboard reflect performance metrics for the last 30 days, providing a snapshot of operational efficiency within this period.

Service Desk Operational Efficiency 3.png 

The following metrics are tracked separately for Incidents and Service Requests:

  • First call resolution (in %):  evaluates the ability to resolve issues on the first customer contact. A high rate indicates a proficient support team proactively addressing and resolving user concerns in the first call, thus reducing subsequent tickets and streamlining operations. It ensures cost-effectiveness by reducing resources and time required for resolution.
  • Reopening Rate (in %): measures the percentage of Incidents or Service Requests reopened by users. This indicates the reoccurrence of an issue or persistent issue that stays unresolved even after the initial resolution. It helps to identify patterns of issues, find root causes, and improve the incident resolution process. A low reopen rate indicates that issues are resolved promptly in initial requests. A high rate indicates underlying issues and dissatisfaction with the initial resolution.
  • SLA Adherence Rate (in %): measures the ability of the organization to meet the contractual obligations of the Service Level Agreements. This ratio is crucial as it accesses the service quality and builds trust. It helps you track, analyze, and optimize SLA adherence.  A high SLA ratio demonstrates a commitment to delivering reliable and timely service.
  • OLA Adherence Rate (in %): measures the ability of the support team to meet the contractual obligations of the Operational Level Agreements.
  • Response Time: evaluates the time the Service Desk team takes to acknowledge and respond to the reported Incident/Service Request. A low response time indicates fast acknowledgment of issues.  This signifies a proactive approach to incident management.  Prompt response minimizes the impact of the incident on business, enhances user satisfaction, and reduces downtime.  It indicates the agility and readiness of the Service Desk team to tackle challenges.
  • Resolution Time: measures the time to resolve the issue when reporting the Incident/Service Request. It includes the entire lifecycle of the ticket, including analysis and resolutions. A shorter resolution time reflects the efficiency of the Service Desk team in diagnosing and problem-solving. It directly correlates to an organization’s ability to restore normal operations, minimizing disruptions and downtimes promptly.

Activity Average Age Days: highlights the activities processing trends, splits the data by months, and shows how many days on average it is necessary for the activity resolution, and how many were reported and closed in each month.

Activating New Dashboards

User Roles 

The New Dashboard can be activated from the Service Desk's home page. The action is available for the Service Desk that was already switched to the New Look Design and can be applied by the following user roles:

  • Service Desk Management: a default role to manage the Service Desk
  • Administration: a default role to administer Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management

Try New Dashboard Action 

Open Service Desk → Home → click <strong">Try New Dashboard action:Service Desk Try New Dashboard1.png

Click OK to confirm the action:

Service Desk Try New Dashboard Confirm1.png

The New Dashboard is activated for all users having access to the Service Desk.

Use the switch back to classic dashboard.pngSwitch to Classic Dashboard icon on the Service Desk home page to switch the Application back to the old version of Dashboards:

Service Desk Switch to Classic Dashboard1.png


Different actions can be displayed depending on the user's role and the dashboard configuration:

Service Desk Actions1.png

The following actions are available for New Dashboards:

  • Force Reload.png Force Reload: by default, the dashboard data is cached for 30 minutes to maintain optimal performance. Use the Force Reload to get changes instantly. The cached time can be managed by the system Adminisrator in the Frontend Settings section of the the Global System Settings.
  • Edit Dashboard.png Edit: for all users that have access to the Service Desk, allows personalizing the displayed widgets, i.e. choose which ones to show or to hide, change the size of the widget or the order or area where it is displayed. Additionally, the edit mode allows the creation of new widgets and sharing them with other users.
  • Back to Original.png Back to Original: reverts the applied changes to the default view. Widgets created while personalizing the dashboard or shared widgets are hidden but not removed.
  • Publish Layout.png Publish Layout: this action is available to Administrator and Service Desk Management user roles. Publish Layout publishes the customized layout for all users and makes it a default view. Make sure you have configured and granted access for the new widgets to other users who should see them with Share action, otherwise, it will be published only for the current user.
  • Revert published layout.png Revert Published Layout: reverts the changes that were applied by the Publish Layout action.

Personalizing Dashboard 

The following steps should help you manage your dashboard layout, making it more efficient and tailored to your needs.

Click Edit action to open the Dashboard Configuration mode. In this mode, you can reorder, resize, manage widgets' visibility, copy and edit existing widgets, create, edit, and remove new widgets, and share them with all, specific groups, roles, or users within your organization.

Done Editing applies changes only for the current user.  You can always redo changes and go Back to Original view, or in case you are in the appropriate user role you can Publish Layout for your organization. 


To change the position of widgets:

  • Click on the Edit action to enable the Dashboard Configuration mode
  • Click on the widget, hold it, and drag it to the new position on the dashboard
  • Release it to drop the widget in place
  • Click Done Editing to apply changes

Service Desk reorder2.png


To adjust the size of a widget:

  • Click on the Edit action to enable the Dashboard Configuration mode
  • Hover over the top, bottom, right, or left edge of the widget with resize dashboard.png dots icon until you see an arrow icon
  • Click and drag the edge to resize the widget
  • Release the drag when the widget is resized appropriately
  • Adjust the other widgets' size if necessary
  • Click Done Editing to apply changes

Service Desk resize2.png

Widgets Visibility

To show or hide specific widgets:

  • Click on the Edit action to enable the Dashboard Configuration mode
  • Look for a list of widgets in the Dashboard Configuration panel
  • Use the Hide icon to disable the widget displaying on the Dashboard
  • Click the Add icon to show the widget on the Dashboard
  • Click Done Editing to apply changes

If the widget is currently displayed on the Dashboard it will be highlighted on the Dashboard when you hover over the widget in the Dashboard Configuration panel.

Service Desk show hide2.png


To create and edit a copy of the existing widget:

  • Click on the Edit action to enable the Dashboard Configuration mode
  • Look for a list of widgets in the Dashboard Configuration panel
  • Click on More Actions icon with 3 dots next to the widget you need
  • Click on the Copy action:
    widget copy1.png
  • Adjust the Title, Widget type and suggested parameters according to the chosen Widget type:
    widget edit copy2.png
  • Click Save in the Dashboard Configuration panel 
  • Click Done Editing to apply changes

The widget is shown only on your Dashboard. You can share this widget with other employees within your organization with Share action or, if the action is available for your user role, Publish Layout and make it available for all users. 


To delete the widget from the Dashboard:

  • Click on the Edit action to enable the Dashboard Configuration mode
  • Look for a list of widgets in the Dashboard Configuration panel
  • Click on More Actions icon with 3 dots next to the widget you need
  • Click on the Remove action:
    widget remove1.png
  • Click OK to confirm:
    widget remove confirm1.png
    The widget is completely deleted and is no longer shown in the list of widgets of Dashboard Configuration panel. You can remove only the widgets that you have created. This action is not available for other standard or shared widgets but you can still hide or show them on the Dashboard by adjusting widgets visibility
  • Click Done Editing to apply changes.


To share the widget that you have created with other users:

  • Click on the Edit action to enable the Dashboard Configuration mode
  • Look for a list of widgets in the Dashboard Configuration panel
  • Click on More Actions icon with 3 dots next to the widget you need
  • Click on the Share action:
    Service Desk share1.png
  • Choose from the suggested options:
    • Share With All
    • Share With Specific Groups or Roles: add user role(s) or specific users on the corresponding tab
      Share with action.png
      By default, if permissions are not set, the widget is not shared with other users and is displayed only on your personalized dashboard. 
  • Click Finish to apply changes.

Share action is available to any user who has access to the Dashboard. The shared widget is not immediately displayed on the Dashboard of the users with whom it's been shared. It is added to the list of other widgets in the Dashboard Configuration panel as hidden. You can hide/add the widget to the dashboard by managing its visibility.

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