Assigning roles
To give users of Matrix42 Software Asset and Service Management access rights to specific areas, you need to assign them one or more roles.
If you are authorized to edit roles and view persons:
- Go to Administration.
- In the navigation area, click Security > User Roles.
- In the selection list, double-click a role. A properties dialog opens.
- Open the Members dialog page, and then click Add.
- Select the persons, and then click Select.
- Click Done at the bottom of the wizard to save and close.
If you are authorized to edit persons and view roles:
- Go to the Master Data application.
- In the navigation area, click Users > Persons.
- If you cannot find the required employee in the selection list, enter the search criteria into the Search field at the top of the page and click Search.
- In the selection list, double-click a person. The person's properties dialog opens.
- Click Roles, and then click Add.
- Select one or several required roles, and then click Select.
- Click Done at the bottom of the wizard to save and close.
You cannot add or remove the Everyone role manually because it is automatically assigned to all persons.