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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

How to perform a manual EM database update

Applies for EMv6 & EMv7

How to perform a manual EM database upgrade

The Setup EmMigrate.exe file is required to perform a manual database backup of an EM instance. During a normal update of the EM sever via Setup, a database update is performed automatically when the installation has been completed. This works only if one of the first 3 digits of the version has changed. If only the fourth digit is changed, no automatic update is performed; rather, Setup must be unpacked manually and the data must be copied into the target directory. Use the following command to unpack Setup:

msiexec /a "C:\%Folder%\Matrix42 Enterprise Manager.msi" /qb TARGETDIR="C:\%Folder%"

After you have unpacked Setup, 2 folders and the MSI file can be found in the directory:

The folder "Matrix42" contains all installation files required for the Enterprise Manager.

Please note the following when copying/replacing these files in the installation directory:

  • EmServer and EmImport service must be stopped.
  • Copy the files and then restart the services.

The following folders and files should be backed up if all files shall be copied into the installation directory:

  • Folders: AutoUpdate, Certificates und Customizing
  • Files: EmImport.exe.config and EmServer.exe.config

The folder "Mx42EM-(DateTime)" contains the file EmMigrate.exe, which is required to perform a manual database update. This file must be used to move or install a backup from an older EM version.

It is important to execute the EmMigrate.exe file with the following parameters to run it successfully:

„Start EmMigrate.exe with /v:<Active EmVersion> /s:<DBServername> /d:<DBName> /u:<DBAccount> /p:<DBPassword>“

e.g.: „C:\Windows\Temp\EmMigrate.exe“ /v: /s:S01 /d:MX42EM /u:sa /p:Matrix42

After this step, a window will open and the database is updated automatically.