EM Agent v7/19/20 Logs
Log output of the EM Agent v7/19/20
Log output of the new EM Agent has been revised completely and a complete log output is delivered on all events (an additional cmtrace-compatible log is also available).
The agent logs can be found under "C:\ProgramData\Matrix42\Enterprise Manager Agent\Log".
The agent log displays all executed actions, both successful and failed actions. Detailed output is written for each individual job of the agent, including the following:
- System
- AdAccounts
- AdAccounts_Full
- EmAdAccounts
- EmAdSite
- EmAgentInfo
- EmAutoUpdate
- EmCustomizing
- EmDnD
- EmGuiWatcher
- EmIpAddresses
- EmProfile
- Tasks
- EmMandatory
- EmReminder
- EmScheduler
- EmTask