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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

How to import scan files manually


This article describes how to transfer the Oracle data into the Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management application.

Starting with version 3.8 it is possible that the results of the data collection scripts are automatically uploaded to the ESM App server using https. To configure this option, please refer to Setting up your system to automatically transfer the result files to an ESM installation.

For earlier versions follow the steps below.

Importing the collected data

After you install the Matrix42 Oracle Compliance add-on from the Extension Gallery, two folders will be created in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix42\Matrix42 Workplace Management\Messages\Inbox folder: Matrix42.OracleRawData and Matrix42.SystemInventory.

When you have obtained the Oracle data from all relevant systems by running the scripts on Windows and Unix systems, you need to put the resulting archive files in either one of the Matrix42.OracleRawData or Matrix42.SystemInventory folders.

The Matrix42 HostCommon service extracts files from these archives and puts system files into the Matrix42.SystemInventory folder and Oracle related files into the Matrix42.OracleRawData folder. Then it processes the data from the files and imports it into the Oracle Compliance application.

You can check the HostCommon.log file to verify that the processing was successful.

The Upload Oracle Inventory Result Files action

This action is available in the Systems and Database Products grids and all their child grids. It allows importing the resulting archive files from the user interface. This way your employees do not need to have access to the Enterprise Service Management server to upload scanning results into the system.

To import a file, click the Upload Oracle Inventory Result Files action. In the wizard that opens you need to attach a file in one of the allowed formats (.zip, .tar, .gz, .csv, .txt, .xml) and then click the Upload Oracle Inventory Result Files button.

Reviewing the imported data

To see the imported data, open the Oracle Compliance application. By default, users of three roles have access to it: Administration, IT Asset Management, License Management.

Use the Dashboards to get a quick overview about your Oracle estate.

The Oracle Database Compliance - Data Batch Processing engine activation must be executed in order to create complex systems. The system will then generate license requirements for the complex systems. You can trigger the engine activation manually or wait until it is run automatically. This engine activation will also set the Inactive status for complex systems whose related assets are no longer relevant for license compliance. As a result, irrelevant license requirements for the complex systems will be deleted.

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