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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Registry Key Adjustments to Address Performance Issues


The following values represent possible advanced configuration settings that can be used in very large environments if the EgoSecure server frequently experiences performance problems. Some of the values are existing by default or can be added and modified to tune the performance between agents and server(s) and between the server(s) and the database. The following list shows a brief overview about potential settings that might help to improve the performance of your environment, but these settings should only be set or modified if Matrix42 Support asks you to do so.  

Registry Keys

Key Available by Default Default Value Description
Communication between Agents and Servers
NotifyChunkSize No 100 Configures how many agents the server will notify at once after a global change.
NotifyPauseTime No 2000 Configures the default delay in ms before notifying another batch of agents.
MaxClients No 0 Sets how many concurrent agent connections are accepted by the server. Setting this too low could result in many agents appearing to be offline when they are not. A value set to 0 corresponds to unlimited.
Connections between Server and Database
MaxHighSessions Yes Defines the amount of allowed high priority connections to the Database, for example for the Console. A value set to 0 corresponds to unlimited.
MaxNormalSessions Yes 0 Defines the amount of allowed normal priority connections to the Database. A value set to 0 corresponds to unlimited.
MaxLowSessions Yes 25 Defines the amount of allowed low priority connections to the Database, for example to write audit events from agents. 
SessionWaitTimeout Yes 3000 Defines the time to wait in ms until session timeouts.
DatabaseRestoreConnectionTimeout Yes 5000 Defines the time to wait in ms before restoring a connection to the Database.
DbHaveFreePool Yes 1

By default connections to the Database are kept open in a connection pool and reused by server operations to reduce the overhead of opening and closing connections. Only disable this if you are specifically instructed by Matrix42 Support. Available values:

  • 0 - Disable connection pool
  • 1 - Enable connection pool

Registry Location

To review the EgoSecure Server Parameters, perform the following the following: 

  • On your EgoSeecure Server, open the Registry Editor
  • Navigate to the following path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EgoSecureServer\Parameters


Add or Change a Key

 Settings should only be modified or created if Matrix42 Support asks you to do so.  

  • To adjust an existing key, double click one of the existing entries and adjust the value data field
    • Press OK
  • To add a key, right click the Parameters folder in the left pane or in any empty area in the right pane
    • Select new
    • Select DWORD (32-bit)
    • Enter the Name, e.g. NotifyChunkSize and press Enter
    • Now double click the recently created entry and adjust the value data filed
    • Press Ok
  • Restart the EgoServer Service in order to activate the changes.