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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Devices Guide Part III: Device Information & Actions

Device Information

To view information about an individual device, simply click on the specified device and the Device Information window will present itself. The Device Information list is generated using the latest information from the time the device last checked in, and will only display information that the device OS makes available.


For each device, several actions are available:

Action Description
Refresh Forces the device to perform a check in. 
Resultant Tags Displays a coverage of all assigned configuration and tag membership.
Actions Shows depended device actions.
Silverback specific actions for all device types
Pending Commands Displays database information about past and upcoming device commands.
Status History Displays database information about the Device History.
System Variables Displays all captured system variables for a specific device.
Managed Applications Displays all available assigned applications with remote installation actions.
Android Enterprise specific actions
Application Feedback Receive and review feedback from installed and managed applications on Android Enterprise. A message-centric bird's eye view of collected feedbacks for applications can be reviewed from the App Portal
Clear Passcode Clears the passcode of the device. Supported for Device Owner devices.
Restart Forces an Android Device Owner Mode device or Samsung Knox device to restart.
iOS and iPadOS specific actions
Message Sends message via Companion application to device.
Clear Passcode Clears the passcode of the device.
iOS and iPadOS *supervised only specific actions
Change Time Zone Remotely sets the desired time zone.
Enable Bluetooth Remotely enables Bluetooth.
Disable Bluetooth Remotely disables Bluetooth.
Restart  Forces the device to restart.
Shutdown  Forces the device to shutdown.
Location Detects the location of devices with enabled Lost Mode.
Play Sound  Plays a sound on devices with enabled Lost Mode.
Rename  Renames the device. For devices with a disabled Allow Changing Device Name restriction, the option action will be inactive. 
Lost Mode Turns a device into lost mode and will activate the location action.
Windows 10/11 specific actions
Rename Renames the device.
Location Retrieves the device location and sends a notification to a user about location access.
Defender Signature Update  Performs signature updates for Windows Defender.
Defender Offline Scan Starts a Microsoft Defender Offline scan on the computer where you run the command. After the next OS reboot, the device will start in Microsoft Defender Offline mode to begin the scan. If devices are protected with Bitlocker, the user might need to enter the Bitlocker Key.
Request Diagnostics Requests a Remote Diagnostic Archive and uploads it to an Azure Blob Container.
Restart Forces the device to reboot after 5 min.
Clean Cleaning a device will remove all user-installed and pre-installed applications,
with the option to persist user data.
Autopilot Reset Performs an Autopilot Remote Reset for Azure AD devices.
macOS specific actions
Rename Renames the device.
Restart Forces the device to perform a restart.
Shutdown Forces remotely the device to shutdown.
Enable Remote Desktop Remotely enables the Remote Management with the All Users access, the ability to receive remote events and the Observe, Control, and Show being Observed options.
Disable Remote Desktop Remotely disables the Remote Management with the All Users access, the ability to receive remote events and the Observe, Control, and Show being Observed options.
Enable Bluetooth Remotely enables Bluetooth.
Disable Bluetooth Remotely disables Bluetooth.
Reset Admin Password Resets the admin account password if devices were enrolled through the Device Enrollment Program and an admin account was created during the out-of-the-box experience. The device reports with the device information the created Auto Setup Admin Account, which is predefined listed. This action is available to system users with the Administrator role and is active if the device information reports the presence of an Auto Setup Admin account. 
Unlock User Account Remotely unlock user accounts, for example, after multiple failed login attempts. It displays a selection of users that the device has submitted to the system with the UserList command. If a user is not found in the list, it is possible to enter the account short name manually.
AppleTV *supervised only specific actions
Restart Forces the device to perform a restart.
Rename Renames the device.


For each device, several information will be displayed in different categories:

  Android & Samsung Knox iOS/iPadOS Windows 10/11  macOS AppleTV
Device Information
  • Device ID
  • Device Owner
  • Lost Mode
  • Ownership
  • UDID
  • API Identifier
  • IP Address
  • Device Name
  • Device
  • Type
  • Label
  • Device Visibility Flag
  • OS Version
  • Security Patch Level
  • Model Number
  • Serial Number
  • Serial Number RO
  • Serial Number RIL
  • Product
  • Manufacturer
  • Battery Level
  • Device Capacity
  • IMEI
  • Modem Firmware
  • IMSI
  • Bluetooth MAC
  • WiFi MAC
  • EAS Device ID
  • MDM Version
  • Device ID
  • Supervised
  • User Enrollment
  • Lost Mode
  • Ownership
  • UDID
  • API Identifier
  • IP Address
  • Time Zone
  • Device Name
  • Device
  • Type
  • Label
  • Device Visibility Flag
  • OS Version
  • Build Version
  • Supplemental Build Version
  • Supplemental OS Version Extra
  • Model Number
  • Serial Number
  • iTunes Active
  • Battery Level
  • Device Capacity
  • Modem Firmware
  • IMSI
  • Bluetooth MAC
  • WiFi MAC
  • Locator Service Enabled
  • Activation Lock Enabled
  • Do Not Disturb In Effect
  • Personal Hotspot Enabled
  • EAS Device ID
  • Diagnostic Submission Enabled
  • App Analytics Enabled
  • iCloud Backup Enabled
  • Last iCloud Backup Date
  • Network Tethered
  • Device ID
  • Azure AD Joined
  • Ownership
  • UDID
  • API Identifier
  • Label
  • Device Visibility Flag
  • Device Name
  • Domain Name
  • Product Name
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Version
  • OS Version
  • OS Mode
  • OS Edition
  • BIOS Version
  • Last Inventory Local Time
  • Battery Level
  • Battery Status
  • Battery Estimated Runtime
  • IMEI
  • Processor Architecture
  • RAM
  • Serial Number
  • Device ID
  • Supervised
  • Enrolled Via DEP
  • User Approved Enrollment
  • User Enrollment
  • Lost Mode
  • Ownership
  • UDID
  • API Identifier
  • Device Name
  • Device
  • Type
  • Label
  • Device Visibility Flag
  • OS Version
  • Model Number
  • Serial Number
  • Apple Silicon Processor
  • iTunes Active
  • Can Install iOS Apps
  • Battery Level
  • Device Capacity
  • Activation Lock Supported
  • EAS Device ID
  • PIN Required For Device Lock
  • PIN Required For Erase Device
  • System Integrity Protection Enabled
  • Device ID
  • Supervised
  • Lost Mode
  • Ownership
  • UDID
  • API Identifier
  • IP Address
  • Time Zone
  • Device Name
  • Device Type
  • Label
  • Device Visibility Flag
  • OS Version
  • Model Number
  • Serial Number
  • Is iTunes Active
  • Battery Level
  • Device Capacity
  • IMEI
  • Modem Firmware
  • IMSI
  • Bluetooth MAC
  • WiFi MAC
  • Last Known Location
  • Captured at
  • Last Known Location
  • Captured at
  • Accuracy
Autopilot Reset    
  • Status
  • Error Info
Assigned Tags Displays all assigned Tags Displays all assigned Tags Displays all assigned Tags Displays all assigned Tags Displays all assigned Tags
Network Information
  • Current Country
  • Current Network
  • Subscriber Country
  • Subscriber Network
  • Carrier Settings Version
  • Phone Number
  • Data Roaming Enabled
  • Voice Roaming Enabled
  • Enforce Push While Roaming Policy
  • Enforce Sync While Roaming Policy
  • Subscriber Country
  • Subscriber Network
  • IMEI
  • MEID
  • EID
  • Data Roaming Enabled
  • Voice Roaming Enabled
  • MAC Address
  • IPv4
  • iPv6
  • Connected
  • Type
  • Subscriber Country
  • Hostname
  • Local Hostname
  • IP Address
  • Bluetooth MAC
  • WiFi MAC
  • Current Country
  • Current Network
  • Subscriber Country
  • Subscriber Network
  • Carrier Settings Version
  • Phone Number
  • Data Roaming Enabled
  • Voice Roaming Enabled
SIM Cards / Data Plans  
  • Current Country
  • Current Network
  • Carrier Settings Version
  • Data Preferred
  • Voice Preferred
  • Roaming
  • Label
  • Phone Number
  • Slot 
  • IMSI
  • Phone Number
  • Current Network
  • Roaming Status
Restriction Information
  • Allow Camera
  • Allow Bluetooth
  • Allow Wi-Fi
  • Force Storage Encryption
  • Force Fraud Warning


  • Allow Explicit Content
  • Force Encrypted Backup
Security Information

Encryption and Passcode

  • Encryption
  • Passcode Present
  • Password Compliant
  • Password Compliant with Profiles

SafentyNet Attestation

  • Basic Integrity
  • Extended Integrity
  • Advisory Response

Google Play Device Integrity

  • Basic Integrity
  • Device Integrity
  • Strong Integrity

Factory Reset Protection

  • Factory Reset Protection Status
  • Factory Reset Protection Accounts


  • Last Check-in Time


Encryption and Passcode

  • Encryption
  • Passcode Present
  • Password Compliant
  • Password Compliant with Profiles


  • Last Check-in Time
  • Secure Boot State
  • Encryption Compliance
  • TPM Specification Version​
  • Antivirus Status
  • Antivirus Signature Status
  • Antispyware Status
  • Antispyware Signature Status
  • Firewall Status
  • UAC Status
  • Virtualization-based Security Hardware Requirement Status
  • Virtualization-based Security Status
  • Local System Authority Credential Guard Status

Full Disk Encryption

  • Full Disk Encryption enabled
  • Institutional Recovery Key
  • Personal Recovery Key
  • Escrowed Personal Key
  • Personal Key History

Firewall Settings

  • Firewall Enabled
  • Firewall Block All Incoming
  • Firewall Stealth Mode
  • Firewall Logging Enabled
  • Firewall Logging Option
  • Firewall Controlled Applications

Bootstrap Token

  • Allowed For Authentication
  • Required for Software Update
  • Required for Kernel Extension Approval
  • Secure Boot
  • Secure Boot Level
  • External Boot Level

Firmware Password

  • EFI Firmware Password Exists
  • EFI Firmware Password ROMs Enabled
  • EFI Firmware Password Change Pending

Additional Information

  • Activation Lock Enabled
  • Activation Lock Manageable
  • Recovery Lock Enabled
  • Remote Desktop Enabled
  • System Integrity Protection Enabled
  • Authenticated Root Volume Enabled
Windows Defender    

Defender Information

  • Defender Version
  • Defender engine version
  • Defender signature version
  • Defender service is running
  • Signature is outdated

Device State Information

  • Current state of the product
  • Current state of the device

Scan Information

  • Full scan is required
  • Last full scan
  • Last full scan signature version
  • Full scan is overdue for the device
  • Last quick scan
  • Last quick scan signature version
  • Quick scan is overdue for the device

Protection Information

  • Real-time protection is running
  • Network protection is running
  • Tamper protection feature is enabled

Additional Information

  • Device reboot is needed
  • Is a virtual machine
User Information      
  • User Short Name
  • User Long Name
Android Enterprise Information
  • Status
  • Google Device ID
  • Google EMM-managed user ID
  • Google Managed Domain Username
Profile List
  • Silverback Exchange Profile
  • Silverback Privilege Profile
  • Silverback Restriction Profile
  • Silverback Webclip Profile
  • Silverback Exchange Profile
  • Silverback Privilege Profile
  • Silverback Restriction Profile
  • Silverback Webclip Profile
  • Silverback Exchange Profile
  • Silverback Firewall Profile
  • Silverback Privilege Profile
  • Silverback Restriction Profile
  • Silverback Privilege Profile
  • Silverback Restriction Profile
Available OS Updates
  • Update Status
  • Available since
  • Human Readable Name
  • Product Name
  • Product Key
  • Version
  • Build
  • Supplemental Build Version
  • Supplemental OS Version Extra
  • Download Size
  • Install Size
  • Allows Later Installation
  • Last Scheduled Update Response
  • Critical Update
  • Rapid Security Response Update
  • Requires Restart


  • Human Readable Name
  • Human Readable Locale Name
  • Product Key
  • Version
  • Build
  • Supplemental Build Version
  • Supplemental OS Version Extra
  • Download Size
  • Allows Later Installation
  • Deferred Until
  • Last Scheduled Update Response
  • Major OS Update
  • Critical Update
  • Firmware Update
  • Rapid Security Response Update
  • Configuration File Update
  • Accepts Bootstrap Token
  • Requires Restart
  • App Identifiers to Close
  • Human Readable Name
  • Product Name
  • Product Key
  • Version
  • Build
  • Download Size
  • Install Size
  • Allows Later Installation
  • Last Scheduled Update Response
  • Critical Update
  • Requires Restart 
Provisioning Profile List   Lists all the Provisioning Profiles installed on the device      
Certificate List
  • Common Name
  • Is Identity
  • Thumbprint
  • Expiration Date
  • Common Name
  • Is Identity
  • Thumbprint
  • Expiration Date
  • Common Name
  • Is Identity
  • Thumbprint
  • Expiration Date
  • Common Name
  • Is Identity
  • Thumbprint
  • Expiration Date
Volume Purchase Program  
  • Client Id
  • User Email
  • Assigned Licenses (User-based)
  • Assigned Licenses (Device-based)
  • Client Id
  • User Email
  • Assigned Licenses (User-based)
  • Assigned Licenses (Device-based)
Application List  Displays installed applications Displays installed applications Displays installed applications Displays installed applications Displays installed applications
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