LIS Premium status report
The LIS Premium Status Report is issued for subscribers of LIS Premium on a monthly basis.
The title page displays the customer name and the issue date of the report.
The data in the report refers to the data provided by the particular customer as of the end of previous month, unless otherwise mentioned in explanations below.
Service Level
Information about your active LIS Premium subscription.
Current Consumption Balance
Information about credits and debits, according to the your requests per service type. For details about the credit system, see explanations of "Page: Consumption" below and this article.
Software Recognition
- Submitted Fingerprints. Number of fingerprints that are actually installed that have been uploaded during LIS update for software recognition.
- Processed Fingerprints: Number of fingerprints that have been added to LIS as classified
- Open Fingerprints: Number of fingerprints that are still not classified
The gauge displays the degree of software recognition as number of processed compared to number of uploaded fingerprints.
The chart "Development during last 24 months" displays, the number of uploaded and processed fingerprints per month (columns) and accumulated over time (lines).
Software Meta Data
While LIS Premium provides also meta data for software products, this chart explains to which extent the products, that are relevant for you according to technical software recognition, contain that information.
Software Recognition
Your uploaded Fingerprints per SLA
Degree of fingerprints for software from listed publishers (LIS Standard) and all other publishers. This explains how much more coverage LIS Premium offers for technical software recognition compared to only LIS Standard (which is, of course, included in the LIS Premium subscription).
Your accumulated fingerprint clearing requests - Premium Publishers
Accumulated development of uploaded and classified fingerprints along the time for unlisted publishers.
Your accumulated fingerprint clearing requests - Standard Publishers
Accumulated development of uploaded and classified fingerprints along the time for listed publishers.
Your unclassified fingerprints (Top 10)
Number of fingerprints that are not classified yet, per publisher. This is a "best guess" analysis based on a fuzzy logic and not exact. However it may give some idea about remaining classifications.
Data Updates
This page provides transparency how much data has been added and updated for the publishers that are relevant for you, based on technical software recognition. On the right side, the list mentions only updates for the products that you are using.
New Software
This page lists software products that were recognized for the first time last month with the fingerprints you had provided.
Support Status
This page displays the consolidated status of support for your installed software products. The determination of the support status highly depends on available information provided by the respective publisher. Unfortunately, we experience a lack of transparency and efforts to publicly share end-of-support data with many publishers.
Ended Support
This page lists all software recognized from your provided application fingerprints, where support from the publisher has already ended (if this information is available). The "Spread" information tells about the amount of LIS customers reporting the respective software product as "installed".
Ending Support
This page lists all software recognized from your provided application fingerprints, where support from the publisher will end(if this information is available). The "Spread" information tells about the amount of LIS customers reporting the respective software product as "installed".
Catalog Items
This page displays all catalog items that have been requested to be added to LIS data by you last month.
License Library
This page displays information about the licensing documents accessible for customers having a LIS Premium with TERMS option.
Library content per publisher
Displays number of available documents per publisher (independent from relevance for you)
Documents in library for your products per publisher
Displays number of available documents per publisher for relevant software products based on technical software recognition.
Number of documents for your software per publisher added last month
Displays number of added documents per publisher for relevant software products based on technical software recognition.
Library Content Added
Displays number of added documents for relevant software products based on technical software recognition.
Current Consumption Balance
Information about credits and debits, according to your request volumes per service type. For details about the credit system, see explanations of "Page: Consumption" below and this article.
List of credit- and debit-bookings for the subscription period and the included service types.
Forecast for DATA service until end of subscription
- Uploaded: Number of fingerprints that have been sent from the SAM tool to LIS during subscription.
- Requested: Number of fingerprints that were not yet classified in LIS when being uploaded.
- Processed: Number of uploaded fingerprints that have been classified by LIS.
- Backlog: Number of unclassified fingerprints
- Progress: Amount of classified fingerprints compared to uploaded fingerprints.
- Credits available: Number of currently available credits and number of required credits for expected processing.
This forecast is based on the assumption, that monthly requests for additional Fingerprint classification and processing will remain on the level of monthly average from running subscription. It also assumes that enough credits are available to actively process the Fingerprints where classification is requested.
Please note that the forecast cannot be exact. It is rather meant to provide an understanding how classification of Fingerprints may continue in this subscription.
In case that there are not enough credits available, you may consider buying more credits from Matrix42 Marketplace. If you are insecure about this or if there are questions, please turn to the LIS team ( or your Matrix42 sales representative.
LIS Team
Total data changes per month during last 12 months
Changes in LIS data per month and data type (independent from relevance for you).
Total fingerprint clearing requests from customers per service level
Number of uploaded fingerprints for LIS Standard and LIS Premium publishers for last 12 months.
Total number of managed data records per service level
Total amount of data provided by respective service level.