Background processing for asset management
Asset management aims to simplify and automate all processes related to purchase, usage and maintenance of assets (devices). Assets are usually imported from several integrated data sources as SCCM, Empirum and so on. Once the bulk of assets is created in the system, the system takes care of the three processes:
- setting of the end-of-life date for assets,
- update of logon data,
- assignment of principal users for assets if the corresponding setting is enabled in the settings.
These processes take place in the background. They are part of the asset manager data processing engine that runs every night by default.
Setting of the end-of-life date
Managing the end-of-life date for assets allows timely replacement of the out-dated devices. The calculation of the end-of-life date is described in this article.
Update of logon data
The system can maintain the logon data for endpoint devices if such data is imported from a data source. You can see performed logins on the Inventory > Logins tab of the computer dialog.
The asset manager data processing engine updates these records by checking the SPSComputerClassLogon data definition for each computer. If it finds new login records, it tries to match the login and domain to the corresponding user in the system. If a user is found, the engine adds a link to the corresponding user to the User Logins grid. If no, the login data will be recorded as text. The engine also deletes out-dated logon data. The period can be set in the Delete login records older than (days) setting in the Settings navigation item in the Assets application.
Automatic assignment of principal users
If the Enable automatic assignment of principal user setting is enabled, the background processing will be able to set a principal user for endpoint devices based on the logins to these devices.
Refer to Automatic assignment of principal users for detailed guidance on how to set up this feature.