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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Management Roles


The default setting is that the usage of the UEM Console is permitted to administrative users only. and the following article describes how to allow other users to use the UEM Console.

Permit non-administrative users

In order to allow an existing person to use UEM console please proceed as followed:

  1. From the app-drawer choose the Master Data application
  2. Navigate to Users > Persons
  3. Select the person you want to permit and click on edit
  4. Choose Roles on the left pane and click on Add
  5. Search for Unified Endpoint Management
  6. Check the rule "Unified Endpoint Management" and click on Select
  7. Click Done to save changes and close dialog

Specific User Roles

This user roles could be applied to a user (person) to provide specific permissions to UEM Console components.

Role Permissions Additional Notes
UEM Device Admin
  • All rights on devices except actions for creating assignment and add devices to existing assignments from device list.
  • Read-only rights for all other navigation items and tabs(objects/assignments/settings).
After re-login the person is able to see UEM Console application and to work with it.
UEM Device User
  • All rights on devices except actions for creating assignment, add devices to existing assignments from device list, delete devices, change ownership of devices.
  • Read-only rights for all other navigation items and tabs(objects/assignments/settings).
After re-login the person is able to see UEM Console application and to work with it.
UEM Object Library Manager
  • All rights on object library
  • Read-only rights for all other UEM navigation items
UEM Rollout Manager
  • All rights on assignments.
  • Allow the Action "Replace in Assignments"
  • Read-only rights for all other navigation items and tabs(devices/objects/settings).
After re-login the person is able to see UEM Console application and to work with it.

The role "Unified Endpoint Management" is not used anymore and set to "Deprecated". Please use the roles mentioned above in any combination. 

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