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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Installation Guide IV: Features and Communication

Features covered by the Unified User Experience

This overview provides a summary of the supported features for administration and also which information is transferred via the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Please see the help for more details.

Covered version 24.0.1 with ESB 2.22

  • ESB = Information is transferred via Enterprise Service Bus
  • Connector = Information is transferred via Empirum Connector
  • Data Provider = Information via Empirun Data Provider or Silverback/Intune Data Provider
  • EWC = Requires a installed Empirum Web Console and configured access
  • API = Requires direct API access to the core system


Feature Description Requirements
Insights Dashboard with charts for SUEM Empirum, Silverback and EDP related data. Includes service management incident information and announcements.


  1. Windows 10 Security
  2. Security State
  3. Security Intelligence
  1. Dashboard with charts regarding the Windows 10 security state. Information is based on the Windows API and collected by Silverback.
  2. List view of the Windows 10 Security Information.
  3. Information on detected Windows Defender threats. List view and preview with all affected devices.
Silverback (ESB)
Home Dashboard with charts for UEM Empirum, Silverback related data


  1. Co-Management
  2. Co-Management State

Co-Managed devices which are managed by Empirum and Silverback/Intune. Classic = Empirum only and Modern = Silverback or Intune only.

The state gets detected by the Empirum ID and/or Silverback ID/Intune ID of devices.

  1. Dashboard and Quicklinks regarding the distribution of the modern, classic or co-managed type.
  2. List views of the devices based on the management type.
Data from Empirum Connector and/or ESB is available. Co-Managed devices also gets updates from Silverback (ESB/Data Provider). Intune devices are imported via the Intune data provider.
Endpoint Device View Shows a list of all managed computers and allows to drill in a preview. Also the "Editing" is possible which displays all details and allows changing several values. The data is shared with Asset Management. Data from Empirum Connector/ Data Provider and/or ESB is available. Modern and Co-Managed devices also get updates from Silverback (ESB/Data Provider) and Intune data provider.
Device Preview

Shows various management relevant information

  • General information
  • Applications - Inventory (Connector)
  • Installations - Installation state based on Empirum Logs and Silverback Tag assignment (ESB)
  • Assignments - Assigned to Assignments
  • UEM Agent Details - Last Agent Status update and last log information (ESB)
  • Patch Status - Overview of installed or missing patches from Empirum (ESB, PM)
  • Security State - Windows 10 security information from Silverback (ESB)

Data from Empirum Connector or ESB is available

Silverback (Data Provider and ESB)

Intune data provider

Patch Management (ESB)

Add / Delete Computer
  • Add Computer - creates a new computer object in DWP and puts it to Empirum (API)
  • Delete Computer - removes the computer from Empirum and deletes it in the DWP (API)

Uses Empirum API

Add and Delete in the UEM/SUEM App will also perform the activity in Empirum.  But the same actions via Asset Management are not affected computers in Empirum

Actions on managed computers

Actions allow to manage one or more selected computers.

  • Show Log - shows an embedded log based on the Empirum Web Console. Only available for self hosted customers. (EWC)
  • Activate/Deactivate - Empirum (API)
  • Block/Unblock/Refresh/Wipe/Reboot/Lock/Retire/Rename - Silverback (ESB), Intune API
  • Complete Inventory- shows an Inventory based on the Empirum Web Console. Only available for self hosted customers. (EWC)
  • Manage Device - Silverback Tasks (API)

ESB and API.

Empirum API needs to be configured in the UEM Settings. Silverback API is configured in the Silverback Data Provider.

Empirum Web Console installed and configured in UEM settings for Show Log.

Intune actions are performed via API and require the correct App privileges for the used service connection.

  • Operating Systems
  • Agent Configurations
  • Endpoint Configuration
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Package Configuration
  • Software Distribution

Shows a list of UEM Objects assignable in UUX from Empirum and Silverback. All are provided via ESB from Empirum and Silverback.

  • Empirum Software Packages
  • Empirum Agent Configurations
  • Empirum Variable Configurations
  • Empirum Patch Management Groups
  • Empirum PreBoot Images
  • Empirum OS Sources
  • Empirum Language Pack Sources
  • Silverback Tags

Empirum Software Classes  are not (yet) provided.

Empirum, Silverback via ESB

Intune UEM Data Provider and serivce connection

Actions on UEM Objects

Actions allow the upload and removal of various UEM Objects.

Add Package: Uploads UEM Objects. Uploaded objects are downloaded by the core systems (Empirum and Silverback) and registered.

Delete: Deletes the object. The user can choose to only remove from UUX or also send the delete request to the core system (Empirum). 

Communication via ESB remote actions.

Shows the state and details of deployments. Empirum information is based on installation state from log and Silverback on assignment state to Tags.

  • Dashboard for related information
  • List of all installation states linked to the computer and the assignment object
Empirum, Silverback via ESB

Management of Assignments. Assignments are used for deployments and assigning computers to Tags. 

Provides features like pe-building and later activation, automated rollout plans, Empirum distribution options.

Assignments are created in Empirum in a dedicated Assignment Group called "UEM Console". Existing Empirum assignments in other groups are not considered. 

  • Creation and editing of assignments (API)
  • Lists all assignments with the calculated fulfillment state based on the installation state information (ESB)
  • Preview shows general information, assigned objects and devices

Assignments are created, updated and deleted via API. Empirum API needs to be configured in the UEM Settings. Silverback API is configured in the Silverback Data Provider.

The installation status used for calculation of the progress is sent via ESB.

Intune UEM Data Provider and serivce connection. Intune assignments are performed via API and require the correct App privileges for the used service connection.

UEM/Settings Settings for connection information of the Empirum API and Empirum Web Console (EWC). Only available for self hosted customers. (EWC) Empirum API and EWC

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