This page lists useful information, guidelines, and links that will help you to learn more about Digital Workspace Platform.
- Configuration Projects
- Frequently asked questions and answers about Configuration Packaging and Configuration Projects.
- Data Layer
- Frequently asked questions and answers about the Data Layer.
- Extension Gallery
- A collection of Frequently Asked Questions about Matrix42 DevOps Portal and Extension Gallery.
- Workers FAQ
- Can a license enabling the Worker Technology help to fix issues with the Workflow Engine after an Update to 10.0.2 or higher?
- Error message System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
- Error Message: System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNegotiationException: Could not establish a secure channel for SSL/TLS with
- I have the issue that Workflow Studio is not licensed. Do I need the Worker Technology or a license enabling it to solve that?
- What are the known issues with Workflow Worker in 10.0.2?
- What can I do if Emails are not sent after the update to 10.0.2?
- What can I do if the Workflow Studio shows the unhandled exception error message when publishing a workflow?
- What can I do if Workflows are frozen in status “in a queue” if I have the new Worker Technology enabled and licensed?
- What can I do if Workflows can not be chosen in Compliance Rule or Engine Activation if I have the new Worker Technology enabled and licensed?
- What can I do if Workflows that use PowerShell activities can not load 64-bit modules when using new Worker Technology?
- What is required to switch back from the Workflow Technology to Microsoft AppFabric in my environment?
- What is required to switch the Workflow Execution Engine to the new Worker Workflow in my environment?
- What should I do if the Workflow Execution Engine has been automatically changed to the new Worker Technology after saving a Workflow?
- Why action "Set Execution Engine" shows that my Workflow runs on "Workers" when in Preview it is still "AppFabric"?
- Will an update activate Worker to execute tasks instead of Data Gateways automatically?
- Will an update switch all workflows to be executed by the new Worker Technology automatically?