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Keyboard shortcuts and navigation


Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternate way to do something you'd typically do with a mouse. 

Hit ? to open a list of available hotkeys in Classic Look or click Keyboard Shortcuts in Avatar menu:

Description Keyboard shortcut Example
Show / hide hotkeys help menu ? Classic Look:


New Look: 

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (1).gif
Open Applications panel alt + a Classic Look:


New Look:

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (2).gif
Hide / show the navigation alt + / Classic Look:


New Look: 

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (3).gif
On a Dataset View page, this shortcut opens a create new object dialog alt + n

On the Incident Dataset View, running alt+n combination equals to running +Add Incident action:

Classic Look:


New Look:

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (4).gif

Focus on the next / previous invalid required input field



alt + Shift ⇧ + n

alt +Shift ⇧ + p

Classic Look:


New Look:

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (7).gif
Toggle expanded mode alt + Shift ⇧ + e

Equals to the Toggle expanded mode option:

Key combination expands / collapses a preview or a dialog as follows:

Classic Look:


New Look:

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (8).gif

Close current tab alt + q

The shortcut closes the page, the same as the close.png close action, for instance:

Classic Look:


New Look:

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (9).gif

Search page - close side panel alt + Shift  ⇧ + d The shortcut closes the page, the same as the close.png close action
Open Global Search panel alt + f Classic Look:


New Look: 

Object lookup - next page / previous page alt + pagedown
alt + pageup
chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (10).gif
Search page - select next row / select previous row  alt + ↓
alt + ↑
chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (11).gif
Applications - keyword search

alt + ⇧ + i

chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (12).gif
Edit form - next tab / previous tab alt + ⇧ + →
alt + ⇧ + ←
chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (13).gif
Open object lookup dialog (in browsable focused input) alt + o chrome-capture-2024-5-28 (14).gif

Keyboard navigation

Starting from DWP v.12.0.2 navigation with a keyboard is available in charts.

Use the tab key on the keyboard to move between the charts. The currently focused element is additionally highlighted as in the example below:

charts keyboard navigation1.png

Use up and down arrows on the keyboard to navigate within the chart elements:

charts keyboard navigation arrows1.png

Hit Enter for more details on the highlighted element of the chart:

keyboard navigation enter1.png

See also Enhanced Color Contrast page.

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