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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Known Issues and Workarounds


Sometimes things don't quite work like you'd expect, and while we may not have a fix just yet, we do have a way to get things back on track. 

FireScope Windows Agent

Known Issue Workaround

[PRB36324] Empty result returned from agent poller invocation.


  • Agent intermittently sends data throughout the day.
  • Agent does not send data after an upgrade/installation

Root Cause:

  • The Agent process is not terminated before starting again.


  • Kill the process and restart the FireScope Agent.

[PRB36866] Agent reports wrong Windows Operation System Version


  • Use of the host_information Agent Remote Attribute operation on a Windows 2019 Datacenter returns "Windows Server 2012"

Root Cause:

  • Hardcoded value checks for operating system versions


Use a WMI Attribute to get the most accurate results for Operating System and Version. Example operations:

For Operating System:

host_run(powershell -command "&get-ciminstance -classname win32_operatingsystem | select-object -expandproperty caption")

For Operating System Version:

host_run(powershell -command "&get-ciminstance -classname win32_operatingsystem | select-object -expandproperty version")

Duplicate CI  

There is a known problem with the way that DDM handles the creation of Cis where that CI may change it’s IP address in the future. This problem can result in multiple Cis being recorded with the same CI name but different IP addresses and even different DNS names.

It is assumed that the normal cause of these changes to IP addresses is the use of DHCP. These provide an IP address to a device from a range of possible addresses but only for a short time – usually a few days. At the end of this time, the device may be allocated another IP address from the range and it is this changing of IP which causes DDM issues.

This article shows how these problems occur and goes on to propose changes to DDM which, while not removing the issue totally, should make the issue occur so infrequently that it effectively no longer exists.

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