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What is Azure Hybrid Benefit add-on


The Azure Hybrid Benefit add-on allows maintaining compliance for Azure Hybrid Benefits that are used by Windows Server virtual machines and SQL Server virtual machines as well as by SQL servers, SQL elastic pools, SQL databases, and SQL managed instances.

This add-on can be installed from Matrix42 Extension Gallery.

This documentation is valid for the Azure Hybrid Benefit extension starting from version 1.19.0. If you are updating from earlier versions, be aware that the Azure Inventory extension will also be updated and you will need to adjust the configuration of the Azure Inventory data provider.


This extension is supported by  Enterprise Service Management version and higher.

The Azure Hybrid Benefit add-on requires that the Generic Inventory Data Provider add-on, the Azure Inventory add-on and the Cloud Service add-on are installed as well. All these extensions will be installed automatically when installing the Azure Hybrid Benefit add-on. 

The Cloud Service add-on is hidden in the Extension Gallery and currently is used only along with Azure Inventory and Azure Hybrid Benefit extensions.

In order to use the Azure Hybrid Benefit add-on, you need to have the M42SoftwareAssetManagementForSaaS license certificate.

The ESM Platform subscription is the prerequisite to using the  Azure Hybrid Benefit extension as it enables the usage of service connections.

To use this add-on successfully, you are required to configure and execute the Azure Inventory data provider.

The Azure Hybrid Benefit add-on works correctly and ensures compliance only for software products and license models that come from and are managed by License Intelligence Service (LIS). If you manage your software products without LIS, the add-on will not take into account such data.

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