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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Managing status of a workplace


Every workplace has a status. When you create a workplace item, you assign a status inside the edit form. However, if you want to set another status for an existing workplace, you must use the Change Status action. A wizard will guide you through the required steps where you can also change the status of all assets that are assigned to the workplace.


  1. Go to the Workplaces navigation item in the Assets application.
  2. Select the workplace items where you want to change the status.
  3. Click the Change Status action.
  4. Select the new status.
  5. Select the Change status of all related assets checkbox and choose a value if you want to change the status of related assets.
  6. Apply your changes.


  1. System sets a new status for the selected workplaces.
  2. System sets a new status for all assets assigned to the selected workplaces (if checkbox was selected). The following status mapping from workplace to asset can be used:
    • Active => Active
    • Inactive => Inactive
    • In Preparation => Reserved
    • Unknown => Unknown