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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

PBA Initialization

PBA Initialization and Deinitialization

Use the PBA Initialization Control Center module to initialize, or de-initialize the PBA component. Use this module in one of the following scenarios:

  • You have installed the FDE and PBA components, but you have not yet initialized the PBA component (task ->enable PBA, refer to the table below).
  • You have disabled PBA to perform other administration tasks, and you now want to re-enable it (task ->re-enable PBA, refer to the table below).
  • You simply want to disable the PBA (task ->de-initialize PBA, refer to the table below).

Follow these steps to de-initialize PBA (the de-initialization screens appear only if you have already initialized the PBA):

  • Open the Control Center (as described in Section 1.5).
  • Double-click the PBA Initialization icon.
  • The Administration password dialog appears:


  • Enter the password and click OK.
  • The PBA Initialization/PBA Deinitialization dialog appears.


  • Click Next to continue.
  • The PBA Initialization Status/PBA Deinitialization Status dialog appears.


  • Click Start. The initialization/deinitialization may take a while so please be patient.
  • If the initialization/deinitialization is successful, the following dialog appears:


  • Click OK to close the dialog and finish the procedure.
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