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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Release Notes

Version 2.2

  • The installed certificate will be used when transferring the DeviceMapping.xml to the depot. (PRB38039)
  • Values sync is more robust in case of Service Bus delays.
  • Reduced number of messages "Job was not executed at scheduled time, because the last scheduled run was less than..."
  • An empty clients list is no longer considered to be an error in the Values sync.
  • Added periodic check for existence of the configured queue in RabbitMQ. (PRB38003)

Version 2.1

  • The depot sync is now using AMQP WebSocket binding for Service Bus communication. That means only TCP port 443 is required to be open.

Version 2.0

  • Significant changes for the meta data syncs. See here for more information about it.
  • Improved performance on sync of user DDC and INI files.
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