UEM Patch Insights Preview
UEM Patch Insights Preview
This is a preview feature, allowing customers to get an early look and provide feedback. Not all planned features are implemented yet, and full functionality is not guaranteed. A reset of patch data may be required for the final release.
Patch Management information from Empirum is greatly enhanced and allows users to easily get the information they need based on the great data navigation and dashboard capabilities of the ESM platform.
Features of the preview
- Updated Patch Management Dashboard
- Automatically synchronize the Patch catalog with patch details, associated bulletins and CVE numbers
- List of all patches and bulletins
- List of patch state of computers
- Update of the computer patch state with every patch scan and fix run sent from Empirum
- Detect if the connected Empirum system has a valid Patch Management license
Activating the preview
The import of patches and the sending of patch installation status are deactivated by default and needs to be enabled if you want to try the preview feature.
- To activate sending of the Empirum patch status messages via Service Bus the feature need to be enabled in the database:
- Run on the Empirum DB "update Options set EmpValue = 0 where EmpOption = 'UemDevicePmScanResultSkipActivated'"
- Customers using the Matrix42 Cloud offering need to send an inquiry to enable the preview to Matrix42 support.
- The synchronization of the patch catalog is only performed if the attached Empirum system has a valid Patch Management license and is 25.0.0 or newer. You can check this in the node information in Administration -> Integration -> Enterprise Service Bus -> Nodes -> Empirum node
- To enable the initial catalog sync and a daily update the engine activation needs to be activated:
- Go to Administration -> Services & Processes -> Engine Activations
- Select "Edit" on the preview of "UEM Device Patch Management Synchronizer Activation"
- Activate the engine by un-checking "Disable entire Activation"
- The initial synchronization will take long as the amount of data is big. Subsequent synchronizations will be performed by using the delta and will not impact the performance.
Patch Insights Dashboard
The new dashboard provides an initial overview on the patch state. Based on the dashboard capabilities of the ESMP it can be configured and new widgets can be added.
It is possible to switch back to the original Patch Management dashboard by using the option "Switch to Classic Dashboard"
Select in the UEM Extension: Endpoint Protection -> Patch Management (Preview)
List of all patches and bulletins
The list shows all available Bulletins. The preview allows to drill down to the associated patches and the vendor information (external link)
List of patch state of computers
The List shows all available patches. The preview allows to drill down to the associated bulletin and eventually related CVE information (external link).
List of patch state of computers
The patch state of computers is sent from Empirum with every patch can or fix run. It uses the Enterprise Service Bus.
The list shows all patch states as individual entries with the state (Missing or Installed) and if it is assigned in Empirum via a patch group to the computer. The preview allows the drill down to the patch or computer.