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ILMT data provider attribute mapping


This article contains a list of attributes and data definitions that are included in mapping rules for the ILMT data provider import definitions. The article is organized by the API elements we are triggering to retrieve the data.


Column Description Data Definition Attribute
id Identifier of the computer as defined in License Metric Tool. SPSComputerClassBase ILMTDeviceId
computer_group_id Identifier of the License Metric Tool computer group to which the computer belongs. The value 0 represents the All Computers group.    
name Name of the computer. SPSComputerClassBase Name
dns_name DNS of the computer. SPSComputerClassBase DNSName
ip_address IP address of the computer. SPSComputerClassBase IPAddress
os Operating system of the computer. SPSComputerClassOS  Name
SPSComputerClassOS  Manufacturer
SPSComputerClassOS  Version
SPSComputerClassOS  Patchlevel
first_seen Date and time when the computer reported to BigFix for the first time. The time is specified in the GMT time zone. ILMTComputerClassHardware first_seen
last_seen Date and time when the computer reported to BigFix for the last time. The time is specified in the GMT time zone. ILMTComputerClassHardware last_seen
is_deleted Information whether the computer was removed. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_deleted
deletion_date Date and time when the computer was removed. The time is specified in the GMT time zone. ILMTComputerClassHardware deletion_date
is_managed_by_vm_manager Information whether the computer is managed by a VM manager. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_managed_by_vm_manager

Computer hardware

Column Description Data Definition Attribute
computer_type Type of the computer. Possible values are:
0 - physical;
1- virtual;
2- computer running on a public cloud.
ILMTComputerClassHardware computer_type
shared_pool_id Identifier of IBM POWER shared processor pool. ILMTComputerClassHardware shared_pool_id
system_model Name of the hardware system or virtualization technology that is discovered by the BigFix client. ILMTComputerClassHardware system_model
SPSAssetClassBase Model
cluster_name Name of the cluster to which the computer belongs. ILMTComputerClassHardware cluster_name
cluster_cores_count Number of processor cores available within the cluster to which the computer belongs. ILMTComputerClassHardware cluster_cores_count
partition_cores Number of processor cores on the partition on which the BigFix client is installed. The number does not take into account hyper-threading on the x86 architecture. ILMTComputerClassHardware partition_cores
status Status of the computer. Possible values are:
1 - OK;
2 - No Scan Data;
3 - No Host Scan Data;
4 - No VM Manager Data;
5 - Outdated VM Manager Data.
ILMTComputerClassHardware status
server_id Internal identifier of the physical server that hosts a computer. In case of a virtual machine that is not fully defined, the ID is a placeholder for a physical server and it changes when you complete defining the virtual machine. SPSComputerClassBase Host
server_name A unique system in the infrastructure. For a physical machine, it is the hardware manufacturer, type, and a machine serial number. For a virtual machine, it is the manufacturer and host name. For a virtual machine with an incomplete definition, it is a UUID that is prefixed with TLM_VM_. You can specify the data that is returned by this property by configuring the following advanced server settings: managedServerTagTemplate and standaloneServerTagTemplate. SPSComputerClassBase id
server_serial_number A serial number of a physical server. In case of a virtual machine that is not fully defined, the Server Serial Number is a UUID that is prefixed with TLM_VM_. ILMTComputerClassHardware server_serial_number
server_type A type of a physical server. ILMTComputerClassHardware server_type
server_vendor A manufacturer of a physical server. ILMTComputerClassHardware server_vendor
SPSAssetClassBase ManufacturerName
server_model A model of a physical server. ILMTComputerClassHardware server_model
node_total_processors Number of active sockets on the physical server for placing CPU units. ILMTComputerClassHardware node_total_processors
server_cores Number of active physical processor cores on the physical server. SPSComputerClassBase AmountProcessorCores
server_logical_cores Number of logical processor cores on the physical server according to processor capabilities and configuration. For example, when hyper-threading is used on the x86 processors, the value represents the number of hyper-threaded cores. ILMTComputerClassHardware server_logical_cores
pvu_per_core Number of PVUs that are assigned to a processor core on the computer. By default, the value is taken from the PVU table. ILMTComputerClassHardware pvu_per_core
default_pvu_value Indicates whether a default number of processor value units is assigned to the computer. ILMTComputerClassHardware default_pvu_value
processor_brand_string Full specification of the processor including its brand, model and speed, as read from the computer operating system.


ILMTComputerClassHardware processor_brand_string
processor_brand Brand of the processor that was matched in the PVU table. If the brand is "Other", the processor is not listed in the PVU table. ILMTComputerClassHardware processor_brand
processor_model Model of the processor. ILMTComputerClassHardware processor_model
processor_type Type of the processor according to the number of cores. ILMTComputerClassHardware processor_type
processor_vendor Vendor of the processor. ILMTComputerClassHardware processor_vendor

Computer health

Column Description Data Definition Attribute
agent_version Version of the BigFix client that is deployed on the computer. ILMTComputerClassHardware agent_version
catalog_version Version of the IBM-provided software catalog that is available on the computer.    
is_catalog_scan_successful Indicates whether the catalog scan was successful. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_catalog_scan_successful
is_idtag_scan_successful Indicates whether the last software tags scan was successful. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_idtag_scan_successful
is_low_on_disk_space Indicates whether the computer has less than 100 MB of free disk space. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_low_on_disk_space
is_missing_prereqs Indicates whether any scanner prerequisites are missing on the computer. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_missing_prereqs
is_out_of_date Indicates whether the latest version of the BigFix client is installed on the computer. For some operating systems, no newer version of the client is available. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_out_of_date
is_out_of_sync Indicates whether the time that is set on the computer is at least an hour from the time that is set on the License Metric Tool server. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_out_of_sync
is_package_scan_successful Indicates whether the latest package scan was successful. ILMTComputerClassHardware is_package_scan_successful
last_scan_attempt Date and time when the last scan was initiated. ILMTComputerClassHardware last_scan_attempt

Software instances

Column Description Data Definition Attribute
instance_id Identifier of the component instance.    
computer_id Identifier of the computer as defined in License Metric Tool.    
computer_bigfix_id Identifier of the computer as defined in BigFix.    
computer_dns_name DNS of the computer.    
computer_group_id Identifier of the License Metric Tool computer group to which the computer belongs. The value 0 represents the All Computers group.    
computer_name Name of the computer.    
computer_ip_address IP address of the computer.    
computer_os Operating system of the computer.    
computer_os_type Type of the operating system of the computer.    
component_name Component name. SPSApplicationClassBase Name
SPSInventoryClassApplication Name
component_release Component release number.    
component_detailed_version Version of the component based on the highest SWID tag that caused its detection. SPSApplicationClassBase Version
SPSInventoryClassApplication Version
discoverable_guid Component GUID.    
discoverable_family_guid Component family GUID. For example, if the component is IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, component family is IBM DB2.    
component_publisher_name Component publisher. SPSApplicationClassBase Manufacturer
SPSInventoryClassApplication Manufacturer
is_present Information whether the component is still installed in the environment. SPSInventoryClassApplication ilmt_is_present
discovery_start Date and time when the component was reported for the first time. The time is specified in the GMT time zone. SPSInventoryClassApplication LastChangeDate
discovery_end Date and time when the component was reported for the last time. The time is specified in the GMT time zone.    
discovery_path Path under which the component is installed. SPSInventoryClassApplication ilmt_discovery_path
product_name Name of the product to which the component is assigned. SPSSoftwareClassBase Name
product_family_guid Product family GUID. For example, if the product is IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, product family is IBM DB2. SPSSoftwareClassBase ilmt_ product_family_guid
product_publisher_name Product publisher. SPSSoftwareClassBase Manufacturer
product_release_name Name of the product release to which the component is assigned.    
product_release Product release number. SPSSoftwareClassBase Version
product_release_guid Product release GUID. SPSInventoryClassApplication ilmt_product_release_guid
SPSSoftwareClassBase ilmt_product_release_guid
metric_id Identifier of the license metric that is used by the product.    
metric_code_name Unique code name of the license metric that is used by the product. SPSSoftwareClassBase LicenseModel
SPSSoftwareClassRelevantLicenseModels LicenseModel
is_confirmed Information whether the assignment of the component to the product is confirmed.    
is_excluded Information whether the product is excluded from pricing calculations. SPSInventoryClassApplication ilmt_is_excluded
is_suppressed Information whether the component is suppressed on the computer on which it is installed. SPSInventoryClassApplication ilmt_is_suppressed
exclusion_or_suppress_comment Comment that was provided during the exclusion or suppression. SPSInventoryClassApplication ilmt_exclusion_or_suppress_comment
bundle_id Identifier of the FlexPoint offering to which the software instance is bundled. Possible values include:
1 - The software instance cannot be assigned to any FlexPoint offering because the component is not assigned to any product.
0 - The software instance is not bundled to any FlexPoint offering.
Other values - Identifier of the FlexPoint offering to which the software instance is assigned.
bundle_name Name of the FlexPoint offering to which the software instance is assigned. Possible values include:
Empty column - The software instance cannot be assigned to any FlexPoint offering because the component is not assigned to any product.
None - The software instance is not bundled to any FlexPoint offering.
Other values - Name of the FlexPoint offering to which the software instance is assigned.
is_charged Information whether the component to product assignment is confirmed. SPSSoftwareClassBase toLicense

License usages

Column Description Data Definition Attribute
product_id Identifier of the software product. LCMLicenseModelClassBase  
product_name Name of the software product.    
product_family_guid GUID of the software product.    
metric_id Identifier of the license metric.    
metric_name Name of the license metric. The value that is returned by the metric_name parameter is provided as reference. It is best to retrieve metrics by using metric_id or metric_code_name parameters. LCMLicenseModelClassBase Name
metric_code_name Code name of the license metric. LCMLicenseModelClassBase metric_code_name
hwm_quantity The highest number of metric units that the product used within the period for which the data is retrieved. When metric quantity is not measured for a particular license metric, the value returned by the hwm_quantity parameter is -1. The value -1 cannot be used for sorting or filtering. LCMLicenseModelClassBase hwm_quantity
threshold The maximum number of metric units that the product is entitled to use within a computer group. The value is set manually and is used to calculate the metric threshold delta. LCMLicenseModelClassBase threshold
threshold_delta It is calculated by subtracting metric quantity from the threshold. When you specify a threshold for a license metric that is not calculated, the value returned by the threshold_delta parameter is 2147483647. The value 2147483647 cannot be used for sorting or filtering.    
imported_part_numbers Part number that was imported to License Metric Tool. It represents the product that is listed in the product_name column and its license metric.    
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