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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center


For the remote control of computers it is necessary to create a profile.
Various properties can be defined here, e.g. whether a prompt for consent should appear at the user or not.

  1. To define profiles, select in the app chooser "Administration" --> "Remote Assistance" --> "Profiles".
  2. Click on "Add Remote Assistance Profile".
  3. Under "General" the following properties can be defined.


Section Property Description
  Name Name of the profile.
  Status Status of the profile (Active/Inactive).
  Available to any Asset If the option is enabled, then this profile is valid for all assets.
If the option is disabled, then individual assets can be assigned to the profile.
  Description Description of the profile.
General Time tracking for Remote Assistance sessions from Service Desk Create time-tracking entries in Service Desk for Remote Assistance sessions.
  Allow file transfer as logged on user Transfer files and folders between the remote and local computer. File transfer is performed in the context of the logged-on user. If the access dialog is configured, the user will be notified and has to grant access.
  Allow terminal access as logged on user Access the Command Prompt and PowerShell of the remote computer in the context of the logged-on user. If the access dialog is configured, the user will be notified and has to grant access.
  Allow file transfer with credentials Transfer files and folders between the remote and local computer. You have to log in with your credentials before starting the file transfer. The remote logged-on user will be notified about your access.
  Allow terminal access with credentials Access the Command Prompt and PowerShell of the remote computer. You have to log in with your credentials before starting the session. The remote logged-on user will only be notified.
Access Dialog Access Dialog Enabled Activates the access dialog on the client computer (On/Off).
  User Name Override Overwrites the name of the controller with the specified name.
E.g. instead of "Vincent Valentine" the name "Support Department" is shown.
  Access Dialog Countdown Countdown to confirm the access dialog by the user.
  Access Dialog Stop Key Hot key for the user to stop the remote session immediately.
(allowed values F1 - F12)
  Access Dialog Default Action Action after the countdown of the access dialog has expired.
(Connect = After the countdown has elapsed, access is granted).
(Disconnect = After the countdown has elapsed, access is rejected).
Desktop Session Desktop allowed If the option is enabled, then the access to the desktop of the remote computer is allowed.
If the option is disabled, then the access to the desktop of the remote computer is not allowed
  End Of Session Action Action after the remote session has ended.
(None = no action after the remote session ends)
(Lock = The remote computer will be locked)
  Default Zoom Mode Sets the default zoom mode.
(Zoom to fit / Automatic Scrolling / Manual Scrolling)
Clipboard Clipboard enabled If the option is enabled, then the clipboard is available.
If the option is disabled, then the clipboard is not available.
  Clipboard Sync active at session start The clipboard is synced at session startup.
Remote Access Indication Frame enabled Frame around the screen on the client side to indicate the user that a remote session is in progress.
  Frame Color Frame color.
  Frame Width Pixels Frame width in pixels.
  1. Click on "Save" to save the profile.
  2. Click on "Done" to leave the profile configuration.


Under "Audience" further restrictions can be defined for the profile.

  1. Click on the option "Unrestricted" to define additional profile restrictions.
    Only users from selected items will be able to select the profile during establishing a remote assistance session.
  2. Restrictions can be added for "User", "Roles", "Organizational Units", "Locations" and "Cost Centers".
  3. Select the corresponding restriction type and then click on the "+" sign to select the respective entries.
  4. Click on "Save" to save the profile.
  5. Click on "Done" to leave the profile configuration.
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