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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Creating the service connection for the Entra Enterprise Application Inventory data provider


The Entra Enterprise Applications add-on contains the Microsoft 365 service. This service is needed for creating a service connection to Microsoft Azure.

To create a service connection, take the following steps:

  1. Configure the authentication and authorization settings for integration on Microsoft Azure.
  2. Create a tenant in Enterprise Service Management.
  3. Create a service connection in Enterprise Service Management.

The ESM Platform subscription is the prerequisite to using the Entra Enterprise Applications extension as it enables the usage of service connections.


Refer to the Сreating the service connection for the Intune data provider article to configure the service connection for the Entra Enterprise Application Inventory data provider. The configuration steps for both extensions are quite similar with a couple of differences outlined below.

The following values should be used for Entra Enterprise Application Inventory in each corresponding step.

  1. Assigning permissions:
  •  Microsoft Graph > Application.Read.All
  • Microsoft Graph > AuditLog.Read.All
  • Microsoft Graph > Directory.Read.All
  1. Creating a tenant:

Select Microsoft 365 in the Service field.

  1. Creating a service connection:

Select Microsoft 365 (Azure Active Directory (Application)) in the Service field, provided that you have set up permissions of the Application type.

Now you can use this service connection in the configuration of the Entra Enterprise Application Inventory data provider.

For more information on creating and using service connections, please refer to this article.

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