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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

System Metering


Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management includes a function retrieving information about deployed certificates and system usage. If the application server is connected to the internet, the data is uploaded to a Matrix42 web service. 

This functions supports you identifying the number of licenses required according to your license contract with Matrix42.

The metering engine downloads the current version of the metering script (signed Powershell) from Matrix42 Marketplace and runs it on the server. If the server cannot connect due to connectivity limitations or issues, the local copy, shipped with the product version is being executed.  

The data collected with the system measurement and the created reports are meant to be helpful information  in the assessment about licensing. Compliance depends on application of the "real world" state of assets and users. to the terms and conditions. 

Information about terms and conditions of licensing can be found online at

Data Privacy

Personal data is not collected. The data transmitted with each process can be reviewed on the server in the “metering” directory.

Following URLs are accessed:

By default, the license metering report contains a fully qualified domain name of the ESM server. You can specify an alias that will be used in the report instead of the server name. To add an alias, create a serveralias.txt file in the Matrix42 root folder under /Metering/Source. Open the file and add the text that will be used as an alias. If you have more than one systems running Enterprise Service Management, we recommend that you use different alias names, for example, Production, Test, or Dev for corresponding installations.

Report Description

Created metering reports are available in three formats (DAT, HTML, PDF) and can be found below the sub-folder “metering” where Enterprise Service Management is installed on the application server:

<installation folder>\Metering\Reports\<date of execution>\System_Metering_Report.html
<installation folder>\Metering\Reports\<date of execution>\System_Metering_Report.pdf
<installation folder>\Metering\Reports\<date of execution>\System_Metering_Report.dat

Installed Certificates

In this section all deployed certificates are listed providing following information per certificate:

  • Customer name = licensee's name
  • Product = certificate name
  • Count = number of licenses
  • Created = issue date of certificate
  • Expires = certificate expiration date (empty if unlimited)
  • Key = unique ID of certificate

Device Overview

This section displays the number of devices with their current asset status in the system. 

The number of licenses by this metric corresponds with the sum for all devices in an asset life cycle status that refers to a device that exists within the field of activity of the customer (relevant status).

Criteria used to assume relevant devices according to their status is based on following criteria:

  • Asset status is relevant for license compliance OR
  • Asset status is relevant for end-of-life monitoring OR
  • Asset status is relevant for principal user assignment OR
  • Asset status is relevant for Help Desk (status is NOT on the list of status values for "hide assets from the incident dialog...")

This criteria can be managed in global system settings of 'Asset' and 'Help Desk' applications.

Effective license requirements depend on the actual state and usage of devices in reality. Accordingly, please verify assumption and resulting numbers. Devices in "irrelevant" status values are listed for transparency.

As of metering version 9, mobile devices are identified as such by the management type "Mobile Device Management". Older metering versions used the type on the Stock Keeping Unit of the respective assets. 

User Overview

This section displays the number of users with their current status in the system.

The number of licenses by this metric corresponds with the sum for all natural persons in a life cycle status that refers to a user that exists within the field of activity of the customer (relevant status). Relevant status values are all possible user status except: "Inactive" (2024), "To Be Deleted" (2025) and "Deleted" (2026).

Non-human service users are not relevant for licensing. The metering and the report assume that accounts were "user cannot change password" settings is enabled in their Active Directory accounts or empty first-/last-name, represent service users.

Criteria used to differentiate natural persons from irrelevant technical service users and identify irrelevant devices by their status is an indication only. Effective license requirements depend on the actual state and usage of accounts in reality. Accordingly, please verify assumption and resulting numbers.

In case that this criteria does not fit to identify service users correctly in your environment, get in touch with your Matrix42 sales representative.

Help Desk Agent Overview

This section displays the number of named users with their current status and access rights to the configuration item "Incident" in the system.

The number of licenses by this metric corresponds with the sum for all users in a life cycle status that refers to a user that exists within the field of activity of the customer having writing access to incidents (relevant status).

  • User can create incidents OR
  • User can write incidents OR
  • User can delete incidents

SAM Tool Integration

Applies to product version 9.1.2 and higher only!

The metering process performs following steps providing metering results for the SAM Tool's business logic:

  1. Fingerprints are being created for every certificate found.
  2. Fingerprints are being associated as "installations" to the server data record (if exists).
  3. Fingerprints are assigned to Software Products by LIS or manually
  4. Count expression of LIS License Models will be updated with relevant number from metering result:
    • MATRIX42 Device
    • MATRIX42 User
    • MATRIX42 Help Desk Agent 

It is important that these license models are downloaded from LIS. Otherwise the report will not be able to provide numbers in your license application. 

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