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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center


Applies for EMv6 &EMv7.


The "Collections" window shows all collections created in the EM.

When you create a new collection, you must specify whether this is a device or a user collection, which devices/users shall be included in this group and which additional filters shall be applied to limit the group, if required.

In Step 2 you define how often the members of the collection shall be updated and where the collection shall be created: in EM, SCCM or in both systems.

An import of more than 2000 machines is NOT recommended! Background is not an upper limit in Enterprise Manager, rather the SQL Query. It is stored as a text string in the database.

If a collection is to be created for SCCM, 2 additional fields appear:

Limit Collection: Here you have the possibility to access collections already created in SCCM. This will create the collection with the name from EM, but limited to the content from the collection previously created in SCCM.

SCCM Collection: If you check this box, the collection will be created directly in SCCM and I could also use it from the SCCM console for distributions.

SCCM Collection.JPG

Different number of members for collections in EM and SCCM

  • EM Collection: The content, which was deposited during import, is copied 1 to 1. Here no matching or other logic takes place.
  • SCCM Collection: SCCM has installed an internal logic that only adds machines that are 1. stored in SCCM and 2. have an SCCM agent installed

The third step defines who shall be allowed to view the collection in the console.

SCCM Collection2.JPG

The item "Use user rights" differs in 2 options. If I select the item "Create with creator rights", the collection will be filled with all computer or user objects to which the creator has rights. If you select the other item, then everyone sees and uses the collection with only the computer or user objects on which they are authorized.

 Collection member.JPG

For ("For EM (49)", "For SCCM (49)", "For Patch (49)") it will be displayed for which computer the current user (or creator of the collection if defined in the collection) is authorized to perform EM, SCCM or patch mass rollouts.

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