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Empirum 23.0 - Release Notes

About This Document

This document describes functional changes, bug fixes, known issues, modified behaviors and changed platform support that have been added since the last update. 

Please find the installation files of this version on Matrix42 Marketplace

System requirements, integration guides and instructions for installation and update are available in the Matrix42 Help Center

Software Management

A new Standard Feature Release Version of the UEM Agent is part of the installation. Please check the Marketplace for new versions of the UEM Agent.

If necessary, adjust the UEM Agent update settings of your computers before the update. After the update, the UEM Agent is configured as not released, it will only  rolled out automatically to computers configured for pilot rollouts.

Further details and information about the new features of the UEM Agent can be found here: Matrix42 Marketplace

For using optional packages as part of the distribution flags, the UEM Agent of type "Standard Feature Release" starting version 2203.1.2 or newer. The UEM Agent Extended Support Release 2006 is not supporting this function.


With version 23.0, Empirum Inventory can also inventory user-specific software that has been installed for the user via an AppStore or as a so-called AppX application, for example.

Activate the user specific software inventory within the configuration to get the data. More details can be found in the online help.

In the area of the additional fields Custom 1-30 the access for users was limited to "Read". This affects the registry path HKLM\SOFTWARE\Matrix42\Inventory on the clients to limit attack vectors. This change may affect existing processes.

OS Installer

If you use only WinPE and no longer EPE to install your operating systems, you can delete all imported WADK and WAIK (Configuration > OS Installer > Import) permanently.

Old or unneeded PreOS packages should be deleted from the EMC and locally from the hard disk.
Please check here in the EMC in the tab Configuration - Software Management - Depot - Matrix42 PreOS Packages and delete all unneeded PreOS packages.
Locally you can delete the same PreOS packages from the hard disk in the directory "%EmpirumServer%\Configurator$\PackageStore\PreOSPackages".

The v23.0 ISO has the latest WinPE 1.9.0 integrated. The latest PreOS packages are NOT automatically imported.

Further details and information about WinPE can be found here: WinPE

Packaging Center (Offline PXE Image Creator)

Support of the current UEM agent for reading the configured agent templates. Based on the UAF transport, the connection to the Empirum server is used via the local installed UEM Agent and available via SMB or HTTP/S. The connection to the Empirum server is used via the UAF transport. A dedicated log for the transport is located at C:\ProgramData\Matrix42\Logs\Packaging Center\Matrix42TransferTool.log. The transported agent templates are temporarily stored (cf. Offline PXE Image creation) under C:\Temp\OfflinePXEImage.

Boot Configurations

Boot configurations can be duplicated with Empirum version 23.0. The entire content and configuration of an existing boot configuration can be duplicated and adapted and used with just a few clicks.

Driver Integration

We support with the last WinPE version and the PreOS package DriverIntegration 2.19 also the option to use EXE driver files (Implemented for DELL files)

VDI and XenApp

The VDI properties of a computer object in the "Hypervisor" role have been removed. The Hypervisor, XenApp Server, XenDesktop Provisioning Server, and Connection Broker computer roles and the ActivationQueue_VDI and ActivationQueue_XenApp tables have also been removed.


More details and information about UUX for SUEM can be found here: Release Notes SUEM 23.0

Common Changes/Enhancements

Empirum Management Console (EMC)

Accelerated refresh of selected groups: Updating in the middle tree of the administration via F5 has been adjusted. If one or more configuration or assignment groups are selected in the middle tree and you press F5, only these objects below are updated. If no configuration or assignment groups are selected, the entire middle tree is updated. The SHIFT-F5 key combination still updates the entire middle tree.

A dedicated update can only take place by marking one or more configuration or assignment group(s). Selecting a computer or software object does not update the configuration or assignment group!

Empirum SDK

A new version of the Empirum SDK 1.3.11 is available on the Marketplace. With the latest release in combination with Empirum v23.0, software packages, variable configurations (also assigned variable configurations), agent templates (except the default template) and boot configurations (also assigned boot configurations) can be deleted. Furthermore, it is possible to change the "Ready to Install" property of software packages. More details and information about the Empirum SDK can be found here: Empirum SDK

Variable configurations

Password variables of type AES256 encryption (internal Empirum infrastructure encryption) can now be configured. This allows the use of variable configurations for SubDepot packages. Variable configurations can be sorted.

Personal Backup

Personal Backup supports Windows 11.

Updated zlib

In the complete Empirum area we use zlib in several places. Due to a security gap, all areas have been updated to version 1.2.12. The functionality is not limited or changed by this.

Enterprise Service Bus

The functions of the Enterprise Service Bus have been extended with version 23.0. Software packages, agent configurations, boot configurations and variable configurations can be deleted via the UEM for UUX console in Empirum. The execution is done via the Enterprise Service Bus.
A bug in transferring SKUs to all supported operating system languages has been fixed.

Notification of extended maintenance period (LTSB)

Empirum version 21.0.3 is declared as LTSB version. Customers who are entitled to Matrix42 Premium Support thus receive an extended maintenance period beyond the release of version 23.0.0 at the end of April 2023.

Solved Issues

Problem ID Description
Software Management
PRB36986 Subdepot Package does not add other users then "Administrator" to the share "User"
PRB37109 Package hash for PreOS packages will not be created
PRB36776 Software packages assigned to root groups are not shown and cannot be deleted
PRB37105 Activation service writes wrong agent template to the computer.ini in rare cases
PRB36704 BTQH64 service does write the file packagehashes.json incomplete
Patch Management
PRB36968 PM Client tries to download patches with download type “manual” in cloud environment
PRB37224 Catalogsync is failing because of access denied error
PRB35923  PM_Correct_Status_for_NonDownloadable_Patches.sql needs to be integrated into catalog-sync
PRB36417  Manual catalog sync generates an alarmmanagement-eMail with old data
PRB37333  PMScan and PM Katalog Sync not possible - "Catalog signing certificate validation failed"
Matrix42 Management Console (EMC)
PRB36969 Empirum console wrongly forwards database names including blanks to the PrebootWizard
PRB36877 EMC crashes in some cases when selecting the module software management
PRB36805 EMC Last seen date within client properties is not getting updated anymore
PRB37044 EMC crashes on Windows 11 22H2 & local refresh via F5 only for marked groups
PRB36502 Replacing the class with the Pre OS packages does not work correctly
PRB37114 Emp_M_Comp_Role has too many rights
PRB36924 EMC: External tools cannot be added with the option global view
PRB37254  Installation status UEM console does not match
Matrix42 Web Console (EWC)
PRB37150 XSS in Empirum Web-Interface
OS Installer
PRB36938 Import Windows 11 22H2 is not possible
PRB388443 OS Imports overwrite SKUs on UUX (ESB)
PRB37280 Logs remain after deletion of computer by PreOs package EndOfLife
PRB36922 Authorization in the registry by inventory package
PRB36920 Empirum SDK: Reinstalling of software classes does not work
PRB36917 UEM console computers info missing for OS name
PRB37096 Unnecessary Credentials in Computername.ini when using offline Depot
PRB372961 Extend ESB with password
PRB37124 ESB: Don't send logonuser when no data is present
PRB37125 INV: No inventory of software
PRB37181 Empirum inventory does not except drive type ‘unknown’
PRB36948 Corrupt after Empirum Update
PRB37174 Offline PXE Image Creator fails on packaging systems with UEM agent 2212.2.2
PRB37147 UEM Console does not display Agent Template settings correctly.
PRB37318  Inventory: Filter system installed software
PRB37283  Variable Configuration Set: TimeZone value are not written into the computername.ini
PRB37305  After changing the IP address on clients from static to DHCP, the inventory does not set the DHCP flag

Known Issues

Problem ID Description
OS Installer
  The feature "WinPE http/s Support" has current restrictions and don't support the client certificate from the agent template. Also Disk Imaging is not possible over http/s.

Changed or no longer supported Features and Platforms

  • Advanced Agent is not supported anymore.
  • UEM Agent older than version 2003.x are not supported with protocol http(s) anymore.
  • The SubDepot package no longer sets the null session shares.
  • Due to performance optimizations of the PXE service, the following behavior has changed when booting computer objects known in Empirum. If the checkbox "PXE capable" is not set when creating a computer object, the checkbox is NOT automatically set when booting the client from v21.0!
  • Since Empirum version 22.0.1, the Empirum Automation Interface - EAI - no longer supports the reading of XML files.

Discontinuations for Version v23.0

  • Windows 7 is no longer supported. The extended Support from Microsoft ends in 01/2023
  • Windows 8.1 is no longer supported. The Support from Microsoft ends in 01/2023
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 is no longer supported. The extended Support from Microsoft ends in 10/2023

Announcements for Version V24.0

  • ./.
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