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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Empirum 23.0 Update 1 - Release and Update Notes

About This Document

This document describes functional changes, bug fixes, known issues, modified behaviors and changed platform support that have been added since the last update. 

Please find the installation files of this version on Matrix42 Marketplace

System requirements, integration guides and instructions for installation and update are available in the Matrix42 Help Center

Software Management

A new Standard Feature Release version 2305.1.2 of the UEM Agent is part of the installation. Please check the Marketplace for new versions of the UEM Agent.

Further details and information about the new features of the UEM Agent can be found here: Matrix42 Marketplace

If necessary, adjust the UEM Agent update settings of your computers before the update. After the update, the UEM Agent is configured as not released, it will only  rolled out automatically to computers configured for pilot rollouts.

For using optional packages as part of the distribution flags, the UEM Agent of type "Standard Feature Release" starting version 2203.1.2 or newer. The UEM Agent Extended Support Release 2006 is not supporting this function.

OS Installer

The v23.0.1 ISO has the latest WinPE 1.9.1 integrated. The latest PreOS packages are NOT automatically imported.

Further details and information about WinPE can be found here: WinPE

With the installation of 23.0.1, variable values of type password are no longer written in EIS encryption to the ComputerName.ini or OS.ini files. These variable values are only needed for the EPE based OS installation. Per Empirum DBUtil the writing of the EIS-encrypted passwords can be done via the database script 
.\Empirum\Empirum DBUtil\Scripts\SQLServer\Custom\Options_ActivateEisPasswords.sql to re-enable the writing of the EIS encrypted passwords if EPE based operating system installations are still to be performed.

If you use only WinPE and no longer EPE to install your operating systems, you can delete all imported WADK and WAIK (Configuration > OS Installer > Import) permanently.

Old or unneeded PreOS packages should be deleted from the EMC and locally from the hard disk.
Please check here in the EMC in the tab Configuration - Software Management - Depot - Matrix42 PreOS Packages and delete all unneeded PreOS packages.
Locally you can delete the same PreOS packages from the hard disk in the directory "%EmpirumServer%\Configurator$\PackageStore\PreOSPackages".

WinPE Support package autoupdate

From now on a WinPE support package update can be initiated directly via EMC under Boot Configurations. The previous process via the Marketplace page can still be used and all new WinPE Support Package versions will be stored here. The automated functionality via the EMC "Download Latest WinPE Support Package" can save you some manual steps. It downloads the latest WinPE support package via a secure download link from an Azure storage, unzip and copies the new files to the correct location on the Empirum Master Server. The actions take place in the background and are handled by the BTQH service. Information about the progress can be found in the back-end task log. Afterwards you can import the latest PreOS packages and rebuild your boot configuration to use the latest files. More information can be found in our help article here.


More details and information about UUX for SUEM can be found here: Release Notes SUEM 23.0 Update 1

Common Changes/Enhancements

Empirum Management Console (EMC)

With the 23.0.1 2 improvements for administrators in the left tree are implemented. Firstly, the status of a computer object can now be viewed directly via filters in the left tree by right-clicking. This was previously only possible via the middle tree. Furthermore, it is also possible to select "Select Computer" in the left tree via a filter by right-clicking. This opens the configuration group directly in the middle tree and the selected computer is highlighted.

A dedicated update can only take place by marking one or more configuration or assignment group(s). Selecting a computer or software object does not update the configuration or assignment group!

Empirum Web Console (EWC)

The Apache Tomcat web server used by EWC is updated to the more recent version 9.0.75 with Empirum version 23.0.1.

Empirum SDK

With the latest Empirum SDK version 1.3.12 you have the possibility to set the scheduler string for distribution commands of a software. For this purpose, the command "Set-EmpirumDistributionCommands" has been extended. The integrated help and the example scripts have been extended. You can find the latest SDK version as usual on our Marketplace here

More details and information about the Empirum SDK can be found here: Empirum SDK

Enterprise Service Bus

With the release 23.0.1 also a new ESB version 4.16.0 is delivered. After installing the service, you now have the option to set or block the package property type "Ready to install" via our UUX. More information about other news in the UUX can be found here.

Notification of extended maintenance period (LTSB)

Empirum version 21.0.3 is declared as LTSB version. Customers who are entitled to Matrix42 Premium Support thus receive an extended maintenance period beyond the release of version 23.0.0 at the end of April 2023.

Solved Issues

Problem ID Description
Software Management
PRB36658 BTQH with proxy does not use https settings
PRB36704 BTQH64 service does write the file packagehashes.json incomplete
Patch Management
PRB36460  Patchmanagement Report contains empty cells
PRB36643  Scan.inf not found if the package source is AZURE located
PRB36684  Patch group is not rewritten directly when a patch is deleted
PRB37388 Download Manager intialization failed A call to SSPI failed when trying to download patches
Matrix42 Management Console (EMC)
PRB37299  Entering Thumbprint into variable creates leading question mark
PRB37285  EMC can not be installed on Windows 11 due to missing VC_Redist x64 Version
PRB37329 EMC: SQL error on saving computer properties in rare circumstances
PRB36578 EMC: MAC Software packages are disabled wrongly at adding software to classes
PRB37397 On Empirum cloud container environments with MFA the language of the EMC cannot be changed
PRB36973 It is not possible to delete a WINPE image in the cloud container system
Matrix42 Web Console (EWC)
PRB36547 EWC: The status display is not refreshed on choosing different type of objects
PRB37405 EWC uses an outdated Tomcat version
PRB37321 Call Remote Control from Empirum Web Console "Your Browser does not support this feature"
OS Installer
PRB37355 Security Issue: Unnecessary EIS Password in computername.ini
PRB37450 Self-provisioning via an offline depot, it can happen that the mounted client boots into WinPE again, although a PXE Off signal was sent
PRB36149 Empirum Packaging Center 21.0: Wrong SETUPINFDIR in EmpirumPackageData.xml
PRB37354  Previously inventoried network drives are still transferred to Store though disabled inventory
PRB37369 PreConditions / Documentation: How to use the comparison operators "One of"/"None of"?
PRB37240 Time values are not displayed correctly

Known Issues

Problem ID Description
OS Installer
  The feature "WinPE http/s Support" has current restrictions and don't support the client certificate from the agent template. Also Disk Imaging is not possible over http/s.
Linux Inventory
  Linux Inventory is not part of the release. You can find the latest version on our Marketplace here

Changed or no longer supported Features and Platforms

  • Advanced Agent is not supported anymore.
  • UEM Agent older than version 2003.x are not supported with protocol http(s) anymore.
  • The SubDepot package no longer sets the null session shares.
  • Due to performance optimizations of the PXE service, the following behavior has changed when booting computer objects known in Empirum. If the checkbox "PXE capable" is not set when creating a computer object, the checkbox is NOT automatically set when booting the client from v21.0!
  • Since Empirum version 22.0.1, the Empirum Automation Interface - EAI - no longer supports the reading of XML files.
  • Since Empirum version 23.0.1 and WinPE 1.9.1 the reading of drivers.ini files is no longer supported

Discontinuations for Version v23.0

  • Windows 7 is no longer supported. The extended Support from Microsoft ends in 01/2023
  • Windows 8.1 is no longer supported. The Support from Microsoft ends in 01/2023
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 is no longer supported. The extended Support from Microsoft ends in 10/2023

Discontinuations for Version v23.0 Update 1

  • None

Preliminary actions before installation

When you are downloading a Matrix42 hotfix or patch, the downloaded file may have a 'Zone.Identifier' information attached (depending on your browsers security configuration).
Please remove this 'Zone.Identifier', otherwise some problems with these files can occur (files are not loading correctly or are blocked in the properties after downloading and must be unblocked manually):

  1. Right-click the blocked file, and then click Properties.
  2. In the "General - Security" tab, click "Unblock".

To avoid the 'Zone.Identifier' in future please add the address '' as a 'trusted zone' in the Internet Explorer.

Installation Steps

  1. Log on to the Matrix42 Empirum Master Server using an administrative account.
  2. Make sure, that a backup of your location database and your installation directory (e.g. D:\Empirum) does exist.
  3. Copy the Matrix42_Empirum_23.0.1.iso to a temporary folder of the Empirum Master Server.
  4. Run the Matrix42_Empirum_23.0.1.iso with elevated rights (Run as administrator).
  5. If the system requires a reboot, please reboot.

All necessary Empirum Services on the Master Server will be uninstalled during the installation.

Post-installation Steps

Due to changes on variables all INI files are rewritten.
The hashes of the Matrix42 software packages will be recreated.

  1. Start Empirum DBUtil and logon to EmpLocation and your location database.
    Confirm the location table structure update.
  2. Update your location DB using the Update Tables action.
  3. Select the services (except PXE/TFTP, DeviceDiscovery) which are required for your installation and then click Install.
  4. Now install the services PXE/TFTP, DeviceDiscovery (if used) on the master server.
  5. Reinstall the DeviceDiscovery service on all Empirum depot servers (if used).
  6. If the Empirum ServiceBus service is used and installed, you must now reinstall it again.
  7. On the Empirum Server run EMC > Configuration > Software Management > Depot > Tools > Check Versions to apply the changes of updated package properties (Personal Backup and Patch Management).
  8. Reinstall the Empirum Subdepot package and Empirum Subdepot PXE services (if used) on existing Empirum depot servers. You can use the Subdepot PXE Service package instead of updating the services via DBUtil manually.
  9. Reinstall the Empirum package Empirum Management Console 23.0 (EMC) on all affected computers. The EMC will be updated on your Empirum master server automatically during the update.

ODBC Driver Update to "ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server" is only necessary when using Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2017:

ODBC driver update to "ODBC Driver 17.9.1 for SQL Server" is only necessary when using Microsoft SQL Server 2019 / 2022:
An overview of all ODBC driver can be found here

Matrix42 Empirum v23.0 Directory Structure (not relevant for Cloud Customers)

The following files are stored with the extension *.old:
Post-command for OS-Installation:

  • Configurator\User\UEMAgent.bat          → Configurator\User\UEMAgent.old

If you have made adjustments in the original batch files, transfer them to the *.bat file. Then delete the *.old file.
If you have not made any adjustmentsdelete the *.old file.

If you have already saved a UEMAgent.old file, it will be automatically deleted and a new copy of the existing UEMAgent.bat will be created!

During the update, the contents of the Manual directory will be moved to Empirum > Manual_Backup.

Check if the Inv_scan_XML.bat file was manually updated and does not use an older version of Empirum Inventory.

Updated Software Packages

The following Empirum software packages are updated but are not assigned a new version number. You need to update (reinstall) the following packages:

Infrastructure Packages:

  • Empirum Subdepot 23.0
  • Empirum Subdepot PXE Service 23.0

Client Packages:

  • Empirum Inventory 23.0
  • Empirum Management Console 23.0
  • Empirum Packaging Center 23.0
  • Empirum Web Console 23.0
  • Matrix42 Patch-Management Client Scan 23.0
  • Matrix42 Patch-Management Client Fix 23.0
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