Workflow Designer Default Actions
Matrix42 provides a list of Workflow Actions that can be used for authoring Workflows in the Workflow Designer. You can also add new activities under Administration application → Services & Processes → Workflow Designer → Actions.
Approval Required
Type: Trigger
Category: Service Catalog
A starting point for the Approval process Workflows:
Generates an output parameter that contains BookingIds. BookingIds are passed to the subsequent step in the Workflow Action:
Type: Workflow Activity
Category: Service Catalog
This activity is a part of the approval process in which one or more deciders must approve or reject ordered services. The activity defines whose approval is required when the orders, placed on the Self-Service Portal, contain services that require approval. See also, the Approval process page.
Approval Workflow Action has the following configurable properties:
- Choose the value for at least one of the properties:
- Approval Profile: select a value from the suggested options. Approval Profiles are managed in the corresponding area of the Service Catalog application. For more details, see also Approval Profiles in Service Approval.
- Roles(s): select one or more user Roles, whose Approval is required by this step. For more details, see also Security Management: User Roles and Permissions.
- Person(s): select one or more Persons, whose Approval is required by this step. For more details, see also Persons.
- Approval Step Title: optional localizable field. Each step can have an additional custom title that is displayed on the Order Preview page in the Service Catalog and in the Self-Service Portal.
In the Self-Service Portal the Approval Step Title can be displayed as follows:
Click on the exclamation mark in the Order Progress section to see the pending approval details and the Approval Step Titles. The exclamation mark with additional information on the pending approval is available when the Approval task was created.
If the Workflow has multiple Approval steps and not all of them have specified Approval Step Title, the step without the specified value will not be displayed, for instance:
Type: Workflow Activity
Category: Basic
Retrieves a single data record from the specified source. If more than one record is returned, the first record is taken.
Configurable properties:
- Configuration Item: select the data source of the retrieved object
- Object: additional filtering of the result set, specifies the object to retrieve. You can choose from the objects of the selected Configuration Item. Only objects with corresponding to the selected in the Configuration Item data type are suggested.
- Proceed on empty result:
- not set (default): the activity fails if no records are returned
- selected: the workflow proceeds if no records are retrieved