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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Widgets: Standard Widgets Library & Configuration


Widgets are reusable visual components designed to display data or other content in an interactive and easily digestible format. Standard widgets are not only used in the Service Catalog Dashboard and Service Desk Dashboard, but also allow adjusting and customizing existing dashboards, extending them, or creating new ones.

This page provides a detailed description and configuration of standard widget visualization types in the application.


These charts are used to compare different categories or groups. They help identify differences, similarities, and trends among various data sets.

  • Bar Chart: displays categorical data with horizontal bars where the length of each bar represents the value.
  • Column Chart: similar to a bar chart, but with vertical bars.


These charts display the parts of a whole, illustrating how individual components contribute to the total.

  • Pie Chart: a circular chart divided into slices to represent the proportions of a whole.
  • Donut Chart: a variation of the pie chart with a hole in the center. Used to display proportional data, with the central space showing additional information, e.g. total number of items in the chart.


Cards display key metrics and KPIs in a concise, easily digestible format, providing at-a-glance insights.

  • Percentage Card: displays a percentage value in a widget layout.
  • Metric Card: Highlights a key number or metric within a widget layout. Used for KPIs, such as the total number of incidents within some period, the number of placed orders, etc.


These charts illustrate the data composition, showing how different parts make up a whole and how they change over time. 

  • Combo Chart: a chart that combines two or more chart types (e.g., column and line charts) to show different data sets on the same axis. Useful for comparing multiple data trends over the same period.
  • Stacked Bar Chart: A bar chart where each bar is divided into segments representing different sub-categories, stacked on top of each other. Shows the composition of different groups within a total.
  • Satacked Column Chart: similar to the stacked bar chart but with vertical columns. Useful to show the contribution of parts to the whole over multiple periods.
  • Distribution

These charts display the distribution and spread of data, showing the range, outliers, and patterns within datasets.

  • Percentage by Category: displays the percentage of a total for different categories. Useful when comparing proportions across multiple groups.
  • Area Chart: line chart where the area under the line is filled with color to represent volume. Ideal for showing cumulative trends over time
  • Line Chart: uses points connected by lines to show trends over time.


These widgets offer additional functionalities and display options that don't fit into the other categories.

  • Announcements:
  • Quick Link Panel:
  • Embedded Web Page: a live webpage integrated into a dashboard widget
  • Rich Text: text with formatting options such as bold, italic, links, and images.
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