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Charts for the Microsoft 365 Inventory

After the import of the Microsoft 365 inventory finishes, you can review the data about actual usage of Microsoft 365 applications on the Home > Saas page of the Licenses application.

Redundant Assignments per Subscription

This horizontal bar chart displays the number of redundant user assignments per each subscription. Click on a subscription to see a list of all user assignments that are identified as repetitive by the following criteria: several accounts represent corresponding subscribers in Microsoft 365 admin center and are linked to one person in Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management.

Deleted Account Assignments per Subscription

This horizontal bar chart displays the number of deleted or inactive user assignments per each subscription. Click on a subscription to see a list of user assignments that match at least one the following criteria:

  • account status is either Deleted or Inactive,
  • person status is either Deleted or Inactive.

Inactive User Summary Report

This pie chart displays inactive users that have been licensed for the following products: Exchange, OneDrive, Yammer, Skype for Business, SharePoint, Teams, Office 365.

The chart analyzes data for the last 90 days.

Click on a slice to see all users that have been licensed for the selected software product and match  the following criteria:

  • Last activity was earlier than 90 days ago,
  • or if the last activity date is empty, the license assignment date was earlier than 90 days ago.

OneDrive Used Storage per User Status

This pie chart groups users from Microsoft 365 admin center according to the status of their corresponding person record in Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management. Click on the status slice to see all relevant Microsoft 365 users with details on their OneDrive storage consumption. 

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