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Attribute mapping for Azure Inventory data provider

What data the Azure Hybrid Benefit data providers import

When executed, the data providers connect to Azure and retrieve the data about Azure resources and usage of Hybrid Use Benefits by them.

The Azure Hybrid Benefit - Virtual Machines data provider imports virtual machines. It also creates stock keeping units and links them to corresponding virtual machines in case of new creation as well as in case the computer has no SKU. The Azure Hybrid Benefit - Database Services data provider imports cloud services (SQL servers, databases, elastic pools and managed instances).

In addition, dedicated records of the Azure Hybrid Benefit configuration item are created for Windows Server and SQL Server in the Licenses application under Purchased Licenses > Azure Hybrid Benefit.

Virtual machines

The data provider connects to Azure and collects all resources of the following types:

  • Virtual machine with Windows Server OS
  • Virtual machine (classic) with Windows Server OS
  • SQL virtual machine

Configuration item: Computer

Matching key: SPSComputerClassBase.Name OR SPSComputerClassBase.DNSName (in the order of priority)

Imported attributes for virtual machines

Data Definition Attribute Note
SPSComputerClassBase Name  
SPSAssetClassBase ManufacturerName  
SPSComputerClassOS Manufacturer  
AHBResourceClass Name  
  SqlAHBEnable Relevant for SQL Server only.
  SqlServerLicenseType Relevant for SQL Server only.

A virtual machine is considered for Azure SQL compliance only when the SqlAHBEnable attribute value is true and the SqlServerLicenseType attribute value is either Enterprise or Standard.

Additional values set for virtual machines by the data provider

  • The same ownership as in the configuration is set on creation.
  • Management type is set to "Azure Hybrid Benefit" on creation.
  • Asset status is set according to the configuration on creation or if machine is no longer imported.
  • HyperthreadingActive in the SPSComputerClassBase data definition is set to true.
  • Relation to domain (SPSComputerClassAD) is set for virtual machines if a match is found.


Matching keys: SPSAssetClassBase.ManufacturerName AND SPSStockKeepingUnitClassBase.Model

Data Definition Attribute
SPSAssetClassBase ManufacturerName (value is " Microsoft Azure")
SPSStockKeepingUnitClassBase Model

 Cloud services

The Azure Hybrid Benefit - Database Services data provider uses the following import definitions:

  • Insert Azure Hybrid Benefit: Import Services [Insert Only];
  • Update Azure Hybrid Benefit: Import Services [Update Only];
  • Cloud Services: Import Service Properties;
  • Cloud Services: Import Service Tags.

Inserting cloud services

Source Attribute/Transformation Target Data Definition Attribute Note
ResourceGroup AHBResourceClass Group  
ImportDate AHBResourceClass LastSync  
KeyID AHBResourceClass LicenseType  
Name AHBResourceClass Name  
KeyID AHBResourceClass ResourceUri  
LicenseType AHBResourceClass SqlAHBEnable  
SqlServerLicenseType AHBResourceClass SqlServerLicenseType  
SubscriptionId AHBResourceClass SubscriptionId  
SubscriptionName AHBResourceClass SubscriptionName  
SKUTier AHBResourceClass SKUTier  
SKUCapacity AHBResourceClass SKUCapacity  
Created SPSCloudServiceClassBase Created  
KeyID SPSCloudServiceClassBase KeyID Key for import
LastChange SPSCloudServiceClassBase LastChange  
Name SPSCloudServiceClassBase Name  
Parent SPSCloudServiceClassBase Parent  
Region SPSCloudServiceClassBase Region  
ResourceGroup SPSCloudServiceClassBase ResourceGroup  
SubscriptionId SPSCloudServiceClassBase SubscriptionID Key for import
SubscriptionName SPSCloudServiceClassBase SubscriptionName  
TechnicalStatus SPSCloudServiceClassBase TechnicalStatus  
Type SPSCloudServiceClassBase Type  
ImportDate SPSCloudServiceClassBase LastImport  
ConfigurationId SPSCloudServiceClassBase ConfigurationResult  
ManagementType SPSCloudServiceClassBase ManagementType  
OuId SPSCommonClassBase OU  
NewState SPSCommonClassBase State  

Updating cloud services

Source Attribute/Transformation Target Data Definition Attribute Note
SqlServerLicenseType AHBResourceClass SqlServerLicenseType  
SubscriptionId AHBResourceClass SubscriptionId  
KeyID AHBResourceClass ResourceUri  
Name AHBResourceClass Name  
ResourceGroup AHBResourceClass Group  
SubscriptionName AHBResourceClass SubscriptionName  
LicenseType AHBResourceClass LicenseType  
ImportDate AHBResourceClass LastSync  
LicenseType AHBResourceClass SqlAHBEnable  
SKUTier AHBResourceClass SKUTier  
SKUCapacity AHBResourceClass SKUCapacity  
Created SPSCloudServiceClassBase Created  
KeyID SPSCloudServiceClassBase KeyID Key for import
LastChange SPSCloudServiceClassBase LastChange  
Name SPSCloudServiceClassBase Name  
Parent SPSCloudServiceClassBase Parent  
Region SPSCloudServiceClassBase Region  
ResourceGroup SPSCloudServiceClassBase ResourceGroup  
SubscriptionId SPSCloudServiceClassBase SubscriptionID Key for import
SubscriptionName SPSCloudServiceClassBase SubscriptionName  
TechnicalStatus SPSCloudServiceClassBase TechnicalStatus  
Type SPSCloudServiceClassBase Type  
ImportDate SPSCloudServiceClassBase LastImport  

Importing service properties

Source Attribute/Transformation Target Data Definition Attribute Note
Key SPSCloudPropertyClassBase Name Key for import
Value SPSCloudPropertyClassBase Value Key for import
KeyId SPSCloudServiceClassBase KeyID Key for import
SubscriptioID SPSCloudServiceClassBase SubscriptioID Key for import

Importing service tags

Source Attribute/Transformation Target Data Definition Attribute Note
KeyId SPSCloudServiceClassBase KeyId Key for import
SubscriptioID SPSCloudServiceClassBase SubscriptioID Key for import
Key SPSCloudTagClassBase Name Key for import
Value SPSCloudTagClassBase Value Key for import


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