Attribute mapping for Adobe Data Provider
This article contains attribute mapping for the Adobe Data Provider extension. It lists all attributes that are imported or updated by the data provider for subscriptions managed as licenses in the system and subscribers. Subscribers are imported as a multi fragment of the license object.
The SaaS Import package is installed as part of the extension mentioned above. It contains the import definitions used for creating and updating subscribers and subscriptions.
Information is cached in MyWorkspace on a daily basis (Midnight CET/CEST).
Any changes in the provider's administration portal that occur after the first import on a particular day will only be imported with an import on a following day.
Matching keys: LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase.SourceID AND LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase.Office365TenantId
Insert import definition
Source Attribute/Transformation | Target Data Definition | Target Attribute | Note |
Id | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | SourceID | Key for Import |
Tenant from configuration | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | Office365TenantId | Key for Import |
SkuId | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | SKU_Id | |
SkuPartNumber | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | PID | |
SkuPartNumber | SPSAssetClassBase | Name | |
"40" (literal value) | SPSAssetClassLicense | Type | Relation: value |
Execution date of data provider | SPSAssetClassLicenseMaintenance | ValidFrom | |
SkuPartNumber | SPSAssetClassOrder | ManufacturerOrderNumber | |
'Software as a Service (SaaS)' | SPSAssetClassOrder | OrderNumber | |
OU from data provider configuration | SPSCommonClassBase | OU | Relation: Production.ID |
Execution date of data provider | SPSCommonClassBase | ValidFrom |
Update import definition
Source Attribute/Transformation | Target Data Definition | Target Attribute | Note |
Id | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | SourceID | Key for Import |
Tenant from configuration | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | Office365TenantId | Key for Import |
PrepaidEnabledUnits | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | PrepaidEnabledUnits | |
PrepaidSuspendedUnits | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | PrepaidSuspendedUnits | |
PrepaidWarningUnits | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | PrepaidWarningUnits | |
SkuId | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | SKU_Id | |
SkuPartNumber | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | PID | |
CapabilityStatus | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | CapabilityStatus | Relation: CloudStatus |
ConsumedUnits | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | ConsumedUnits | |
Execution date of data provider | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | ChangedDate | |
"1" (literal value) | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | AppliesToUser | |
PrepaidEnabledUnits | SPSAssetClassLicense | PurchasedCount | |
"0" (literal value) | SPSAssetClassLicense | PurchasedCountInfinite |
Matching keys: LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase.SourceID AND LCMCloudSubscriptionClassAccount.MailAddress AND LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase.Office365TenantId
Source Attribute/Transformation | Target Data Definition | Target Attribute | Note |
MailAddress | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassAccount | MailAddress | Key for Import |
MailAddress | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassAccount | Subscriber | Relation to the person, based on MailAddress |
Execution date of data provider | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassAccount | LastSyncDate | |
SubscriptionId | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | SourceID | ID of the subscription. Key for import |
Tenant from configuration | LCMCloudSubscriptionClassBase | Office365TenantId | Key for Import |
A subscriber is marked as "isActive = true" as long as it is assigned to the subscription. When the user account is not subscribed anymore, the subscriber's record is deleted unless there exists a license requirement record. In this case, the account is market as "isActive = false". Background processing of license management will remove the account as soon as the minimum entitlement period has expired.
Technical details
Access to Adobe Creative Cloud admin data is implemented using Adobe's User Management API. For more details, refer to Overview of Adobe UMAPI.