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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Configure the virtual scan appliance

Downloading the appliance

The current version of the virtual scan appliance can be downloaded from the Matrix42 Marketplace.

Please contact the Matrix42 Help Desk to be granted access to the protected article of the Matrix42 Marketplace, not only the preconfigured virtual machine, but also the scripts and agents that you need for the inventory of your Oracle database instances.

The set consists of the following files:

  • Scan Appliance –
  • Scan Appliance –
  • Scan Appliance –
  • Scan Appliance –
  • Scan Appliance –
  • Scan Appliance – (ca. 5,4 GB)


Unpack the virtual machine (format: VMware) contained in the file and install it in your virtualization environment. You can run the virtual machine on VMware and also on Microsoft Hyper-V. 

Dimension the virtual machine to match the expected data volume. The following recommendation is based on the number of inventoried systems or Oracle database instances, depending on which parameter has a higher value:

System Size of Parameters Small
< 1.000 Systems
1.000 - 5.000 Systems
>5.000 Systems
Test/ Acceptance
< 50 Systems
# Logical Processors 4 8 12 1
Main Memory in GB 10 12 16 4
ROM in GB 150 250 400 50
# Gigabit Network
1 1 1 1


The virtual appliance is an UBUNTU Linux system with a preconfigured inventory system by nova ratio. 

The following user accounts and user passwords can be used for the first access.

Access User Password
nova ratio Appliance Admin root nova123
nova ratio Appliance User erunbook erunbook
nova ratio EDI-User root root
nova ratio EDI-User erunbook erunbook
nova ratio Web Front-end eRunAdmin go4it

System time

All affected systems must have the same time. If times are not synchronous, scan data may be processed with a delay of up to 24 hours or the Oracle appliance may not be imported, since the appliance always performs a differential import since the last successful scan has been performed.


We recommend that you use an NTP (Network Time Protocol) service, which must be installed as service on the nova ratio appliance in use accordingly.


The time can be adjusted manually under Linux O/S as follows:

1. Prompt the current system time (software clock).


2. Set the time zone (a dialog is displayed to select the time accordingly).

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

3. Set the time (software clock).

date 03031600

Syntax: date MMDDhhmm [MonthDayHoursMinute]

4. Prompt the hardware clock.

hwclock –show

5. Transfer the time to the hardware clock.

hwclock –systohc


Determine the product version (optional)

To determine the version of the virtual appliance, you must log into the appliance as root or erunbook and run the following command in the command line of the operating system:

vi /opt/eRunbook/product/current

Define host name

The default host name of the virtual machine is matrix42-vm. It can be changed, if necessary.

ATTENTION: It must be possible to resolve the selected host name after it has been changed within and outside the virtual machine!

Configure network

By default, the network adapter is set to DHCP.

Recommendation: Reset the network adapter to a static IP address!

To reset the network adapter to a static IP address, you must log into the virtual machine as
user root, run the following command and enter the address configuration:

vi /etc/network/interfaces

Save the change with the following command:


Leave the network configuration with the following command:


Test the configuration with the following command:

ping vm-matrix42

Sample output:

Response must not come from IP address! 
In such case, you may have to adjust the local routing.

To adjust the local routing, you must run the following command and enter respective routing specifications:

vi /etc/hosts

Save the change with the following command:


Leave the routing configuration with the following command:


Allow remote DB access

To allow the data provider of Workspace Management System to communicate with the scan appliance, you must configure the remote access to the scan database:

1. Log into the virtual appliance with the user "erunbook".

login erunbook

2. Establish connection to the local database (Syntax: mysql –u<user> -p<password>).

mysql –uerunbook –perunbook

3. Configure the remote access for all or specific IP addresses.

a) To allow access to the database for all IP addresses:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON export_matrix42.* TO 'erunbook'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'erunbook';

b) To allow access to the database for a specific IP address:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON export_matrix42.* TO 'erunbook'@'<IP>' IDENTIFIED BY 'erunbook';

Adjust the automated can schedule (optional)

The default schedule for the "Oracle Inventory" and "Datacenter Inventory" data providers is as follows:

  • At 5:00 p.m. the Oracle Database Compliance service activation will be triggered, based on the Oracle Database Compliance -Preparation schedule. The list with relevant servers to be scanned is provided.
  • At 7:00 p.m. the virtual scan appliance will start the automatic scan to collect the data of the target servers.
  • At 5:00 a.m. the service activation is triggered, based on the Oracle Database Compliance - Inventory Import schedule. All collected information will be imported.

Go to Administration > Services & Processes > Engine Activations to adjust and modify the activation schedules in Matrix42 Workspace Management.

To change the internal schedule of the virtual scan appliance, you must establish connection to the virtual appliance and then edit the schedule of two Cron jobs.

  1. Log into the administration interface as eRunAdmin via a web browser: https://<IP address of the appliance>
  2. A page will open where you can see two instances
  3. Click Matrix42_License, to modify the first job. The Matrix42_License scan instance page will open.
  4. Go to Matrix42 > Cron Jobs to select a job.
  5. A list will open where you select the active Cron job Import_and_Scan.
  6. A window will open where you can edit the execution time for this job.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Click Matrix_42_License to go back to the main administration page.
  9. You will be redirected to the instance overview.
  10. Click Matrix42_Oracle to edit the second Cron job.
  11. Go to Matrix42 > Cron Jobs to select a Cron job.
  12. A list will open where you select the active Cron job Import_Analyze_Export.
  13. A window will open where you can edit the execution time for this job.
  14. Save your changes.

Known Issues

We have found a problem where the SW asset "Sybase ASE" is incorrectly created for almost all systems.


  1. Log into the virtual appliance with the user "erunbook".
  2. Navigate to directory $NOVAHOME/product/swdetection
  3. Open file swdetection_server.conf  in an editor
  4. Find section [SybaseASE]
  5. Change value of the setting check_installation to NOVAPROCESS    \/dataserver.\-
  6. Save your change

The section should now look like this: 

name=Sybase ASE Unknown
vendor=Sybase Inc.
check_installation=NOVAPROCESS \/dataserver.\-