Extension III: Enterprise Service Bus
Several Matrix42 products and components use a common communication architecture based on an enterprise service bus. This allows an efficient and fast communication between the UUX for SUEM (DWP), Empirum, Silverback and EgoSecure. Also Matrix42 Remote Assitnace uses the Service Bus to communicate with the DWP/ESM. The goal is that the entire communication between the core product parts will take place over it in order to also enable hybrid installations, (e.g. Empirum and EgoSecure local, Silverback and the Digital Workspace Platform in the Cloud).
Azure Service Bus for Cloud or RabbitMQ for on-premise installations are currently supported as Service Bus. Review the documentation for the respective installation or configuration in the corresponding download.
Help Article
Please see the detailed description for configuring the Extension and the related core platforms in the dedicated help.
Release Notes
Version 2.23.3 >=DWP 12.0.5 & 2.22.16 DWP 12.0.3- (10.10.2024)
- PRB38221: Enterprise Service Bus no longer connected. ESBEngineWorker threw an exception.
Version 2.23.2 >=12.0.5 & 2.22.15 12.0.3- (15.08.2024)
- Enhanced error handling on potential time out situations.
Version 2.22.14 (20.06.2024)
- Added processing rules to allow message con
Version 2.23.1 (18.07.2024)
- Added compatibility to DWP 12.0.5
- Adjusted dependency to DWP compatibility to >=12.0.5
Version 2.22.14 (20.06.2024)
- Added processing rules to allow message content filtering for performance optimization. See the dedicated documentation.
- Adjusted dependency to DWP compatibility to 12.0.3-
Version 2.21.3 (16.05.2024)
- PRB38051: UEM Console Exceptions
Version 2.21.1
- Issue with dependency registration for esb engines in concurrently case
Version 2.21.0
- Updated for compatibility with DWP 12.0.4
- Fixed issue with update of node information
Version 2.19.2
- Optimize performance in combination with UEM assignment logic
- Fix UpdateValues method in IPlatformCoreExtendedRepository to correctly process null values
- PRB37850: larger backlog in the processing of the message queue from the Enterprise Service Bus
Version 2.19.1
- Enhanced performance
- Ignore structures in messages without data to reduce loaded objects
Version 2.16.5
- Changed layouts to comply with enhanced secure data access (see this article for more information)
- Updated dependency to DWP 12.0.3
Version 2.16.2
- Enhanced performance
Version 2.15.0
- PRB37697: ESB Connections String - error due to conversion to encryption.
- Fixed issue with behaviour registration.
Version 2.14.2
- Fixed an issue when the service stopped consuming messages under heavy load.
- Decreased amount of requests to database.
Version 2.11.0
- Implemented to only write data when changed.
- Enhanced message processing performance.
- PRB37437: ESB not working properly (cannot assign software through UEM anymore) Issue when parsing objects with dot.
- Prevent creating duplicates when receiving different object types with same platform object ID
Version (6.12.2022)
- Fixed issue with to many false detections of offline nodes results in to many tasks.
Version 2.7.4
- Platform information in Software Package Preview updated to new ESB based values.
- Processing rules allow the selective handling of data retrieved via ESB: The first rule is for Firescope and allows to define values which will only be overwritten when empty in the DWP.
- New identifiers for objects based on the unique ID in the source system or the unique ID in the DWP. This allows faster and more reliable matching.
- ObjectID – unique Id in DWP
- PlatformObjectID – unique ID in core system & node information (Header “From”: Name/Node)
- Enhanced performance on ESB message consumption.
- ESB Handlers allow processing requests via ESB messages. Firesope uses this to retrieve type and schema information before updating objects.
- Empirum sends the heartbeat response with 21.0.3 (leftest hotfix) and 22.0 onwards. With 22.0 it is also possible to provide a display name for easy identification of the node.