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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Supplementary data protection information on the transmission of so-called telemetry data

The Matrix42 software collects anonymised usage data and transmits it to Matrix42. The Mixpanel tool from the manufacturer Mixpanel Inc. is used for this purpose.

The collection and transmission of anonymised data serves the purpose of improving our products and services.

The data is collected and transmitted exclusively in anonymised form. Nevertheless, the data must be recognisable as having been generated by an individual user in order to enable evaluation for the above-mentioned purpose. Each data record is therefore given a unique ID. Matrix42 uses the account name stored in the system for the respective user. This account name, which could have a personal reference, is made unrecognisable by means of irreversible encryption/hashing. For this purpose, the respective data record is converted into a hash value using SHA256. The data is transferred directly to the service provider Mixpanel and is not stored on the client system.

This means that it is not possible for Matrix42 or Mixpanel to establish a link between the collected data and a natural person.

The following data is transmitted:

System environment data such as information on the operating system, browser, screen and end device, data on the Matrix42 software used such as customer ID, licence information, application data such as ticket meta data and set language.

Data transmission can be deactivated at any time. Please contact Matrix42 Support for this purpose.

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