Patch Download & Publishing
This article shows how you can publish a third-party patch and configure patch download (WSUS and third party).
Once you have configured the patch catalog, you can select the patches to be made available in the company via the Patch Catalog view and click the Publish button to publish them accordingly.
If you want to only download a certain patch, you can use the Download button to open another window that provides an overview of patches.
If you publish the patches directly, this download window is not displayed; rather, another window opens where you choose among various publication options. The following dialog should be used to accept the metadata, i.e., enable the respective option. If this is the last patch to be published, you can also enable the synchronization option. Please note the message on the bottom of the window which says that the respective patches are not published in the SUP for distribution.
Successful publication is shown in a log file and displayed in SCCM.
If the selected patches have not been released for distribution, they must be activated in the SUP accordingly. Please go to the SUP options and enable the product or the patch vendor. Please note that the selection of the third-party vendor/product will only be available after publication.
After you have activated the products/vendors, you must initiate the synchronization process.
Shortly thereafter, you can view the patches under "Published Third-Party Updates".
All other steps can be performed exactly as is the case for a pure WSUS infrastructure.