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System Requirements


The system requirements specified below represent minimum requirements for an Enterprise Manager installation. Since every customer has different parameters regarding client numbers, function and infrastructure, these defaults can only be a reference. The requirements for each individual customer installation depend among other things on the following factors:

  • Number of objects in the database
  • Number of locations and DPs in use
  • Number of Enterprise Manager web consoles used at the same time
  • Number of packages which should be distributed
  • Frequency of the distributions and/or operating system installations
  • Used Enterprise Manager features

The Enterprise Manager release supports all operating systems, Microsoft SQL servers listed in the document on a 32-bit processor architecture (Intel architecture 32-bit or i386) and a 64-bit processor architecture (AMD64). Other processor architectures are only supported if such support is explicitly specified. 

In this document the default ports to be used by Enterprise Manager are listed. They can change appropriate to the base system environment configuration.

Server Components

Database Server

Operating Systems (each with current Service Pack):

  • Windows Server 2016 (Microsoft end of life 01/2022)
  • Windows Server 2019 (Microsoft end of life 01/2024)
  • Windows Server Version 2022 (Microsoft end of life 10/2026)

Database (each 32-Bit und 64-Bit with current Service Pack ):

  • MS SQL 2017  (Microsoft end of life 10/2022)
  • MS SQL 2019 (Microsoft end of life 01/2025)

No SQL Express

The Collation of the SQL Server installation AND the Database must have the exact same setting like MCM (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS).
If the Collation of the Database Server itself is not set correctly, Enterprise Manager cannot create the needed linked server views and this will result in errors while setting up the MCM Primary Site Connection with Enterprise Manager.

In enterprise environments the Database Server ideally runs on the same machine along with the EM Application Server to guarantee best performance.

Enterprise Manager uses SQL authentication only.

Database & Table permissions

SQL Dataaccess.JPG

Enterprise Manager will create Linked Server during MCM Primary Site Configuration in EM.

Database & Table permissions MCM only

2 SQL Dataaccess.JPG

Enterprise Manager Application Server

Minimum requirement for free hard disk space is 50GB. Please pay special attention to the free hard disk space before installing or updating EM.
Hardware requirements up to 5.000 Clients:

  • Minimum: 2 Cores with >2 GHz each, 4 GB RAM
  • Optimum: 4 Cores with >2 GHz each, 8 GB RAM

Hardware requirements up to 20.000 Clients:

  • Minimum: 4 Cores with >3 GHz each, 8 GB RAM
  • Optimum: 8 Cores with >3 GHz each, 16 GB RAM

Hardware requirements up to 100.000 Clients:

  • Minimum: 8 Cores with >3 GHz each, 16 GB RAM
  • Optimum: 12 Cores with >3 GHz each, 32 GB RAM

If you have warnings about "TCPIP" in the Event Viewer under Windows Logs - System, you should make the following registry entries:


  • TcpTimedWaitDelay
    REG_DWORD: 0000001e (hex)
  • MaxUserPort
    REG_DWORD: 0000fffe (hex)
  • TcpNumConnections
    REG_DWORD: 00fffffe (hex)
  • TcpMaxDataRetransmissions
    REG_DWORD: 00000005 (hex)

Operating Systems (each with current Service Pack and Patches):

  • Windows Server 2016  (Microsoft end of life 01/2022)
  • Windows Server 2019 (Microsoft end of life 01/2024)
  • Windows Server Version 2022 (Microsoft end of life 10/2026)

Port configuration:

  • According to the particular environment, in default:
  • Incoming: NET/TCP 8098, NET/TCP 9010, NET/TCP 9016, NET/TCP 9099
  • Outgoing: NET/TCP 9000, NET/TCP 9011

Software Components:

  • .NET 3.5 SP1 (for included in Setup MS Chart Komponente and ASP.NET)
  • .NET Framework 4.8
  • MS Chart (included in Setup)
  • Access Database Engine 64bit (included in Setup)
  • Internet Information Server (Version 7.0 and later)
  • Windows authentication for IIS must be installed (Anonymous must be Disabled)

For productive environments with more than 10.000 Clients the usage of physical Hardware which has ideal network connectivity to the MCM sites is recommended. 

In each area of Enterprise Manager (e.g. Reports, EM-Tasks, MCM-Tasks, Patch-Tasks, OSD-Tasks etc.) there is a maximum of 250.000 active Tasks which are supported at the same time. In the archived area this same amount can be stored additionally.

E-Mail Server (optionally)

Optionally an email Server can be configured to leverage some functions from Enterprise Manager. Therefore an appropriate account is needed which is set up to send E-Mails.
Generally every E-Mail Server system can be used. The implemented features and functions are officially supported and tested with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and higher.

Microsoft Configuration Manager

Enterprise Manager always supports the Microsoft Configuration Manager versions that are generally available at the time of until they are running out of extended support.
Supported MCM versions:

  • MCM 2207 (Microsoft end of life 02.02.2024)
  • MCM 2211 (Microsoft end of life 30.05.2024)
  • MCM 2303 (Microsoft end of life 06.10.2024)
  • MCM 2309 (Microsoft end of life 02.04.2025)

 Matrix42 Enterprise Manager supports all MCM versions until the end of its official Microsoft support.   More information about MCM CB support can be found here.  Which EM version with which MCM is compatible is listed below.

Access Rights MCM

The MCM User that will be used within Enterprise Manager (Administration > MCM > Primary Sites) to link Enterprise Manager to MCM needs to have the following security roles in order to enable all Enterprise Manager Functions.


Enterprise Manager Distribution Piont

It is mandatory that the EM Server and DP run in the same version. Background is the change of the communication to https and with it another port.

The additional Service "Enterprise Manager Distribution Point Service" delivered through Matrix42 needs to be installed on every MCM Distribution Point that Enterprise Manager Agent (Clients) needs to be able to download data from. Without "Enterprise Manager Distribution Point Service" installed on MCM Distribution Points the Enterprise Manager Agent (Clients) are not able to download Packages.

System Requirements:

  • .NET Framework 4.8

Port configuration:

  • According to the particular environment, in default:
  • Incoming: NET/TCP 9011, NET/TCP 9012
  • Outgoing: NET/TCP 9010, NET/TCP 9016

Client Components

Enterprise Manager Web Console

Operating Systems (each with current Service Pack and Patches):

  • Windows 7  (Microsoft end of life 04/2013)
  • Windows 10 21H2 (Microsoft end of life 12/2022)
  • Windows 11 (Microsoft end of life 10/2024)
  • Windows Server 2016  (Microsoft end of life 01/2022)
  • Windows Server 2019 (Microsoft end of life 01/2024)
  • Windows Server Version 2022 (Microsoft end of life 10/2026)

Browser Support:

  • Chrome Edge
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Edge
  • Google Chrome from version 60 (experimental)
  • Mozilla Firefox from Version 56 (experimental)

The use of the web console in an Explorer with multiple tabs is not supported and can lead to problems between open sessions!

Port Configuration:

  • According to the particular environment, in default:
  • Incoming: 8099, (internal communication over WebAPI 8097)
  • Outgoing: 8098

Enterprise Manager Agent (Clients)

Hardware Prerequisites:

  • Minimal: an SSE2-capable Intel Pentium 4 processor or higher, Resolution of 1280 x 768

Operating Systems (each with current Service Pack and Patches):

  • Windows 7  (Microsoft end of life 04/2013)
  • Windows 10 21H2 (Microsoft end of life 12/2022)
  • Windows 11 (Microsoft end of life 10/2024)
  • Windows Server 2016  (Microsoft end of life 01/2022)
  • Windows Server 2019 (Microsoft end of life 01/2024)
  • Windows Server Version 2022 (Microsoft end of life 10/2026)

System Requirements:

  • .NET Framework 4.8
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (must be installed manually before Installation of EM- Agent)
  • With default load about 3-15MB of free RAM for the usage through Enterprise Manager (depending on the overall amount of installed memory)
  • 300 MB of free disk space
  • Min. 5GB free disk space for the usage through Enterprise Manager (depends on EM configuration)

Port Configuration:

  • According to the particular environment, in default:
  • Incoming: NET/TCP 9000
  • Outgoing: NET/TCP 9010, NET/TCP 9016

Interaction Enterprise Manager <-> Microsoft Configuration Manager

Every action performed in MCM and its database by Enterprise Manager fulfills the following criteria.

  • The default Microsoft interfaces are used to perform actions (e.g. Create a collection). Therefore the MCM Support by Microsoft will not be influenced.
  • Content within MCM and its database will not be touched by not standardized methods.
  • Every action performed on a client computer can easily be identified and assigned to the according source system.

Official Product Support for Enterprise Manager Versions

Matrix42 officially supports the current major version and the major version before that, each with the appropriate latest Service Pack and Patch.

  MCM 2111 (EOL) MCM 2203 (EOL) MCM 2207 MCM 2211 MCM 2303 MCM 2309 MCM 2403
EM Version 21.0.3 * * newest (*)        
EM Version 22.0 * * * newest (*)      
EM Version 22.0.1 * * * * newest (*) newest (*)  
EM Version 23.0 * * * * * newest (*)  
EM Version 23.0.1     * * * * newest (*)

If you’d like to use discontinued product versions with official support, please turn to your Account Manager.

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