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Empirum 24.0.x - Step by Step Update Guide

Matrix42 Empirum v24.0

This Empirum ISO provides the following installation and update options:

  • Complete new installation of Matrix42 Empirum v24.0.X
  • Update from Matrix42 Empirum v23.0.3 LTSB
  • Update from Matrix42 Empirum v23.0.x
  • Update from Matrix42 Empirum v22.0.1

Consider the changed system requirements. Before each update, check if there is a Hotfix Installer available in the Matrix42 Marketplace at the time of installation that affect the version you are installing. For information on known issues, see the Known Issues list for this version.


An up-to-date backup of the Empirum master server and the Empirum site database is strongly recommended.

Data cleanup

Matrix42 recommends cleaning up older log and application data that is no longer needed at regular intervals to ensure consistent system performance. Perform these cleanups after a database backup, as all data is backed up in case of accidental deletion. 

  1. Delete via the Empirum Management Console (EMC) according to their requirements the older log entries via the menu Info -> Delete Log of the respective category.
  2. Open the Inventory History via the Info menu and delete the older history entries according to your requirements.
  3. Open the AUT logs via the menu Info and delete the older AUT entries (Application Usage Tracking) according to your requirements.
  4. In the Audit section of EMC, open the Data -> Delete menu and delete the older audit entries according to your needs.
  5. Database Scrips:
    1. Run the following scripts from the .\Empirum\Empirum DBUtil\Scripts\SQL Server\Custom directory via DBUtil -> Run SQL Script:
    2. PM_Delete_SuperSeded_Patches_from_PatchGroups.sql - deletes all patches created by the vendor by a newer version.
    3. PRO_EAI_Cleanup.sql - deletes all processed entries created by active filters and external actions (EAI).

UEM Agent Update

Adjust the Agent Update settings of the computers before the update.

The Empirum 24.0.0 ISO contains version 2312.1.2 of the UEM Agent SFR Release. Please check the settings for automatic update. The latest agent is imported but not yet set to "Released". For more details of the update configurations see the UEM Agent help.

Executing the update to Matrix42 Empirum v24.0

Please check after the download of the ISO that it is "Unblocked" in the file properties!

  1. Mount the ISO on the master server and start the update by double-clicking the Autorun.exe file. If User Account Control (UAC) is active, Autorun.exe must be run as administrator (context menu > Run as administrator).
  2. Select the desired installation language.
  3. Select the Update option and also in the following window.
    The installation wizard opens.
  4. Confirm with Yes.
  5. Confirm all the following windows with Next.
  6. Select the existing installation directory and click Next.
  7. Click Finish.
    After the update, you will receive a message that the installation was completed successfully.
  8. Restart the server.

First actions via Matrix42 DBUtil

When updating the database, the sysadmin SQL server role is no longer required. Only the dbo role (database owner) is needed. During the initial creation of databases (EmpLocations, location database), the server permission CREATE ANY DATABASE or the dbcreator role is also required.

Make sure that the databases EmpLocations and the locations are used with the same authentication method in DBUtil. This does not affect the login to the Matrix42 Management Console, where both methods can be used mixed.

Update EmpLocations Database

  1. After restarting the server, you can start Matrix42 DBUtil via the desktop icon Matrix42_DBUtil.png DBUtil, or via Start > Programs > Empirum > Tools > Matrix42 DBUtil to log in to the EmpLocations database.
  2. You receive a message that the structure of the location table is outdated. Confirm the message with Yes.
    The main window of Matrix42 DBUtil appears.

Update Location Database(s)

  1. Click on the location you want to update and log in to the location database.
  2. Click the Update tables icon DBUtil_Update_Tables.gif on the toolbar.
    Note that virus scanners can greatly extend the update process.
  3. If a backup of the location database has not yet taken place shortly before the update, you must absolutely confirm here with Yes!
  4. The location database has been updated, confirm the message with OK.

Please note that all databases must have version 24.00 / 5-4-0 after the update to work error-free with the Matrix42 Empirum v24.0 version! If you have multiple locations, you must repeat this procedure to update each individual location.

Install/Update Services

After updating to Matrix42 Empirum v24.0, all services must be reinstalled.

Due to changes on variables all INI files are rewritten. The hashes of the Matrix42 software packages will be recreated.

  1. Click the Install/Configure services DBUtil_Install_Services.gif icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select the services (except PXE, TFTP, DeviceDiscovery) that are required for your environment and then click the Install button. After successful installation of the selected services, you will receive a message that all services have been installed or updated.
  3. Install the PXE and DeviceDiscovery service (if used) on the master server from the Install context menu. All PXE/TFTP services on the Empirum Depot servers are to be installed via the software package Subdepot PXE Service.
  4. Install the Empirum ServiceBus service (if used) on the master server to benefit from the new feature enhancements. Make sure that the Service Bus settings are set
  5. Install the DeviceDiscovery service on all other servers where DeviceDiscovery is installed using the Install context menu.
  6. If you have more than one location to choose from, repeat the procedure to update services for each location.

Further actions after updating the Empirum server

Matrix42 Empirum v24.0 Directory Structure

The following files are stored with the extension *.old:
Post-command for OS-Installation:

  • Configurator\User\UEMAgent.bat          → Configurator\User\UEMAgent.old

If you have adjusted in the original batch files, transfer them to the *.bat file. Then delete the *.old file.
If you have not made any adjustments, delete the *.old file.

If you have already saved a UEMAgent.old file, it will be automatically deleted and a new copy of the existing UEMAgent.bat will be created!

During the update, the contents of the Manual directory will be moved to Empirum > Manual_Backup.

Check PXE Activation

In the Matrix42 Management Console (EMC) > Administration, check the filter PXE > Enabled and correct any entries you do not want.

Check Versions

Perform a Check Versions of the software packages: EMC > Configuration > Software Management > Depot > Extras > Check Versions and confirm the changes.

Update the Infrastructure Packages

Update the following packages on the depot servers:

Check your existing ODBC connections and update them with the new ODBC driver

  • Empirum Subdepot 24.0
  • Empirum Subdepot Webservice Configuration 24.0 (if used)
  • Empirum Subdepot PXE Service 24.0 (if used)
  • Empirum Subdepot WOL Service 24.0 (if used)
  • UEm Depot Sync 2.0 (if used)

Update Matrix42 Management Console

Update the Matrix42 Management Console on the appropriate workstations.

Update Web Console

Update the Empirum Web Console via the appropriate package.

Reinstall Client Components

When updating to Matrix42 Empirum v24.0, all client components on the managed computers must be updated.

  • Empirum Inventory 24.0
  • Empirum Packaging Center 24.0
  • Matrix42 Patch-Management Client Scan 24.0
  • Matrix42 Patch-Management Client Fix 24.0

The UEM Agent is registered as not released in the depot after the update to prevent automatic rollouts when using the autoupdate feature. Only computers configured with the MX42_UEM_Agent / Auto Update / Yes - Use latest available version (Pilot rollout) option receive the new UEM Agent automatically. Release the UEM Agent as soon as it is to be rolled out.

WinPE Configurations

Create new WinPE boot configurations to take advantage of the new feature enhancements.

 The latest WinPE support package is ONLY installed and imported during a new installation. No automatic import is carried out during an update. Please use the function via the EMC or the Marketplace as described below.

 AddOns Check

Check the latest availableAddOn components:


  • UEM Agent: Download the latest UEM Agent here or use the integrated update function in EMC under Software Management - Extras - Download current UEM Agent
  • UEM Depot Sync: Download the latest UEM Depot Sync package here
  • WinPE Support package: Download the latest WinPE support package here (WinPE addons here) or use the integrated update function in the EMC under Boot configurations - Download the latest WinPE support package
  • UUX for SUEM: Download the latest UUX for SUEM components here
  • Matrix42 SDK: Download the latest Matrix42 SDK here
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